Blok – Responsive Masonry Tumblr Theme (Blog)

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Blok is a minimal responsive tumblr theme with a masonry layout. The theme takes full advantage of the users viewport, providing a dynamic masonry block structure, with the support of CSS responsiveness. Blok looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop, by adjusting to the most efficient structure. With over 50 theme and color options, its easy to modify and adapt to your personal style. Extending on the original tumblr features, Blok includes Infinite Loading, AJAX Blog Posts, Social Profile Links, Disqus Comments, Instagram & Dribble Feeds and Twitter integration.

Note: Hover over the Blog Title to reveal the user profile.



Supports All Post Types & Custom Pages
Text, Link, Answer, Picture (Sets), Audio, Video, and Quotes supported. Also allows for custom pages to be added in the Tumblr interface.

Fully Responsive
Optimised for Mobile, Tablets, Notebooks, and Desktop Devices. Developed on iPhone, iPad, and Desktop.

Masonry Layout
Masonry automatically lays out your posts in the most visually pleasing and optimal way. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall.

Infinite Loading
Built in support for infinite loading pages. Once the user hits the bottom of the page, the next page is automatically loaded and placed within the samr page ready to read. AJAX post loading allows for viewing of individual posts without the visitor losing their position in your blogs content.

High Resolution Support
CSS3 elements & SVG icons scale perfectly on all resolutions, including high resolution devices such mobile phones, retina displays, and 4K monitors.

Customization Options
Over 50 themes options to enable/disable features without editing any code.

Accent Color & Images Customization
Easily edit all theme accent colors and images in the themes options.

Search Enabled
Allows visitors to search your blog via the tumblr search feature.

Disqus Comments
Allows user comments and administration on individual posts via Disqus.

Instagram & Dribbble Feed
Presents your Instagram and Dribbble feeds live in the user profile, allowing your visitors to easily view your latest submissions.

Twitter Integration
Integrates with your tumblr connected twitter account to show your latest tweets.

Google Analytics
Integrated support for the Googles Analytics platform.

Simple Install & Detailed Documentation
Installation takes just a few minutes. Email support available.

Major Browser Support
Fully tested & confirmed working on all major browsers. IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

Theme Options

Theme Options



The documentation included provides all the information needed to get the theme installed and customized. However, if you have any questions you can email [email protected], and we will be happy to help.

If you have any bug reports, or feature requests, please let us know!


Unsplash –
FontAwesome –
Masonry –
ImagesLoaded –
TimeAgo –
jQuery Waypoints –
jQInstaPics –
FitVid.js –
jQuery PhotoSet Grid –

ThemeForest new Blogging items





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