Cameo is a flat themed responsive admin template powered by the awesome Twitter bootstrap 3 front-end framework. It comes packed with a plethora of ready to use components and plugins and can be used in the creation of admin dashboards, CRM or CMS panels. It is clean, fully responsive, well documented and is easy to modify or style to meet your needs.
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- Built with Bootstrap 3
- Detailed documentation and free updates
- Huge set of components
- Various layout configurations
- Valid HTML5 and CSS3
- Flat and clean design
- CSS3 Animations
- Datepicker
- Bootstrap Select inputs
- Jquery Datatables
- Dropzone file upload
- Bootstrap FuelUX
- Fullcalendar
- Masonry
- Easy Pie Chart
- Flot Charts
- Chartjs
- Jvector Maps
- Google maps
- Medium Editor
- Morris Charts
- Jquery Sparkline charts
- display online/offline indication
- Bootstrap Sliders
- Toastr notifications
- Sortable Tables
- Bootstrap WYSIWYG editor
- Videojs player
- Audio Player
- Nivo Lightbox
- Masked inputs
- Nestable and sortable lists
- SlimScroll scrollbar
- Momentjs
- Parsley form validation
- Switchery iOS switches
- Responsive tables
- Skycons weather icons
- FontAwesome fonts
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