Chulan is a fully Responsive, Flat, Minimalist, Professional & Multipurpose v Card theme built to showcase your top-notch portfolios. This drupal theme made for designers, photographers, illustrators, video producers and other who need an easy, attractive and effective way to share their work with clients.
You can configure header to use static background, slider background or video background.
Main features:
- Multiple header section layouts
- Full screen backgrounds
- Video background
- Retina ready
- Fully responsive
- Unlimited color
- Ajax portfolio
- Demo install profile
- Ctools
- Date
- Entity
- Field collection
- file entity
- fontello
- icon
- jquery update
- libraries
- media
- media_soundcloud
- media_vimeo
- media_youtube
- media_soundcloud
- token
- views
- webform
- webform_layout
- MD chulan Module
- Easing
- SmoothScroll
- Superslides
- Font Awesome
- FitText
- Magnific Popup
- MixItUp
- JQuery appear
- LavaLamp
- OwlCarousel
- ScrollTo
- Textillate
- EasyPieChart
- Jquery.mb.YTPlayer
Images used in the demo are not included in the archive of the – for the license restrictions. They are replaced by dummy placeholders.
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