Clip-One – Bootstrap 3 Responsive Admin Template (Admin Templates)

Clip-One is the brand new, cutting-edge, super flexible, totally responsive Administration Theme based on Bootstrap 3 Framework. It comes with 2 complete themes: Clip-One Admin and Clip-One Admin RTL Version. You can use it in a simple and intuitive way for all your backend applications and thanks to the several customization options you will also be able to customize the template style, color and layout, according to your taste and preferences. It does not matter where you will open Clip-One: Be it on smart phones, tablets or computer desktops, it will perfectly adapt to all your electronic devices.

  • 5 different theme colors
  • Infinite styles with LESS
  • 5 different background images
  • 4 level sidebar menus
  • 100% fully responsive
  • Fully customizable
  • Documentation available
  • Fixed and default Header Layouts
  • Fixed and default Footer Layouts
  • RTL Version
  • Bootstrap 3 Framework
  • Full Featured Frontend
    • 25 Page Templates
    • Revolution Slider(12$ value)
    • 5 Theme Colors
  • 390 Custom icons
  • Font Awesome icons
  • Save your custom style
  • Open Sans and Raleway Google fonts
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Dashboard with stats, charts and recent events
  • UI elements
  • Dynamic pagination
  • Colorpicker for Bootstrap
  • Color Palette for Bootstrap
  • Datepicker for Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Extended Modals
  • Date Range Picker (Bootstrap Date Range Picker)
  • Form Wizards (jQuery Smart Wizard)
  • Inline editing with WYSIWYG Editors (CKEditor)
  • Custom UI Tabs and Accordions
  • Charts & Graphs (jQuery Flot)
  • Circle Dials (jQuery Knob)
  • Advance Form Validation (jQuery Form Validation Plug-in)
  • Tree Views  (dynatree.js)
  • Nestable Lists (jQuery Nestable)
  • Google Maps (jQuery GMaps)
  • Data Tables (jQuery Data Tables)
  • Full Calendar (jQuery Full Calendar)
  • Custom  Radio Buttons and Checkboxes (iCheck)
  • Select2 Dropdown UI
  • File uploader (Bootstrap File Upload Plug-in)
  • Multiple File uploader (jQuery File Upload)
  • Dropzone File Upload
  • Image Crop Plug-in (Jcrop)
  • Custom Toggle buttons
  • FAQ page
  • Pricing Table page
  • Lock screen and Login pages
  • Coming Soon page
  • Timeline page
  • 404 Error pages
  • 500 Error pages
  • Tag Input (jQuery tagsinput)
  • Integrated WYSIWYG Editors(Bootstrap Summernote and CKEditor)
  • Custom Scrollbar For Vertical Scrollable Contents (perfect-scrollbar)
  • Sticky Notifications (jQuery Gritter)
  • Page Element Pulsate (jQuery Pulsate)

Version 1.3 – February 7, 2014

 - New: Complete Frontend Website Template - Update: Bootstrap 3.1 - Fixed: some bugs in form wizard  - Fixed: some bugs in the login pages  - Fixed: improved css for rtl version  - Fixed: Some minor bugs fixed  

Version 1.2.3 – January 5, 2014

 - Update: Bootstrap 3.0.3 - Update: perfect-scrollbar 0.4.6 - New: Dashboard With Horizontal Menu - New: Printable Invoice - New: Search Results - New: Enable Top Menu dropdowns to activate on hover - Fixed: Conflict between jQuery 2.x and Explorer 8.  - Fixed: Some minor bug fixed 

Version 1.2.2 – November 18, 2013

 - New: RTL Version - Upgrade: Bootstrap 3.0.2 - Upgrade: Font Avesome 4.0.3 - Upgrade: Clip-Font 1.0.1 - Improvement: Some code improvements - Fixed: Some minor bug fixed 

Version 1.2.1 – November 7, 2013

 - Improvement: Some code improvements - Fixed: small ie8 bug in header-fixed and footer-fixed with layout boxed - Fixed: Some minor bug fixed 

Version 1.2 – November 3, 2013

- New: Bootstrap X-editable Plugin Integration - New: CSS3 Animation Page - New: Color Palette for Bootstrap(Forms > Form Elements) - New: Ability to save your custom style - New: Adding LESS Support - Upgrade: Bootstrap 3.0.1 - Upgrade: Font Avesome 4.0.1 - Improvement: Some code improvements - Fixed: Some minor bug fixed 

Version 1.1.1 – October 24, 2013

 - Upgrade: Font Awesome Version 4.0.0 - Improvement: Some code improvements - Fixed: Some minor bug fixed 

Version 1.1 – October 20, 2013

 - New: Gallery Page - New: User Profile - New: Mask Money Input (Form Elements) - Fixed: z-index of the main menu - Fixed: Some minor bug fixed 

ThemeForest new Admin Templates items





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