Main Features:
- 6 Different Concepts: Agency, Restaurant, Architecture, Resume, Landing Page, Photography.
- Fully Responsive.
- Retina Ready
- One Page & Multi-page design.
- 15+ Home Concepts.
- 65+ HTML Files.
- Light and Dark Navbars.
- Boxed and Wide Portfolio Layouts with Filters.
- 3 Single Project Templates.
- Shop Template with Cart and Checkout Pages.
- 10+ Blog Pages with Different Styles.
- Parallax Sections.
- YouTube and HTML5 Video Background.
- Ken Burns Slider.
- Animated Canvas Background.
- Working Ajax Contact Form.
- Megamenu and Drop Down menu.
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Bootstrap 3.3.5
- 450+ Icons Fonts.
- LESS file included.
- Modal Photo Gallery.
- Super Easy Sliders and Carousels.
- Free Lifetime Updates.
- Detailed Documentation.
- Fast Support.
- Raleway
- Montserrat
- Halant
- Tangerine
- Bootstrap
- ET Line Icons
- Themify Icons
- Boostrap
- Countdown
- jQuery Appear
- jQuery CountTo
- Flexslider
- Isotope
- mb.YTPlayer
- Particleground
- Owl Carousel
- Parallax.JS
PLEASE NOTE: The images are used for demo purposes only, they are not incuded in the download package.
Version 1.0.1 – 24 December 2015
Fixed elements-features.html file. Fixed mobile search form and shopping cart. Files affected: - elements-features.html - js/main.js
Version 1.0.0 – 20 December 2015
Initial release.
ThemeForest new Creative items