CORAL – App & Website Startup KIT (Admin Templates)

Current Version 1.9.6 – Free for existing buyers (see change log below)

Coral – Admin & Website Template

Coral – App & Website Startup KIT is the most advanced HTML Application Interface on the market and the result of thousands of development hours.

Built on the Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 framework, with over 108 Unique HTML pages and hundreds of components, Coral is a fully responsive FLAT template featuring a huge collection of interface elements fully documented and ready to use in your web app or website.

CORAL covers over 15 business modules, including but not limited to Real Estate apps, Social networks, Online Shops, Customer Support apps, Content publishing & multimedia, Events, Project management, Medical industry, eLearning websites, Financial applications, Surveys, Multipurpose Front Website etc.

You might also like our Quick Admin Template

Quick Admin Template - Admin Templates Site Templates

Fast, modular & extremely optimized for performance

Build with LESS on a modular architecture, despite the 108+ unique pages just for the admin theme and over 15 modules that are included in CORAL, on average, on any given page, the custom CSS takes ~100KB uncompressed, but with the help of zlib output compression, if enabled on a web server, the custom CSS size can get to ~20KB per page.

AJAX & NON-AJAX templates included

Starting with v1.9.6, CORAL is by default fully AJAX powered which makes the web application interface as fast as it can get. To cover all preferences, we also included a standard, NON-AJAX version of the template in the Download package.


We’ll be adding new guides on a ongoing and by request basis. Feel free to send us your suggestions on what topics we should write more about either in the comments or by email: contact [at]


Current Version 1.9.6 – 30.01.2014

  • Improved:
    • Added full AJAX version for all interface modules: admin, front website, real estate, online shop;
    • Added JavaScript asynchronous loading with dependency management;
      • Asynchronous loading enables all scripts to be downloaded in parallel by the browser without blocking other CSS resources, images and JavaScript;
      • Astonishingly impressive lightweight footprint of only 643 BYTES!
      • Works on all browsers, IE6+;
      • Enables the full AJAX version to dynamically load the required scripts;
      • Enforce script execution order when loading JavaScript asynchronously with dependency management for the most complex web applications;
    • By popular request, added one complete LESS / minified CSS stylesheet per each module that includes all styling resources needed for the interface; makes mixing of components from different pages into new pages much easier for beginners, since you only need to load one stylesheet that has everything; on average, the minified custom CSS stylesheet per module ~160KB;
    • Added: “Pace” page preloader;
    • Improved social widgets page;
  • Fixed:
    • WYSIHTML5 Editor Toolbar dropdowns issue that may cause the page to reload;

Multiple layouts for all of the 108+ unique pages

You can use a Fluid layout with Sidebars or a Boxed layout with top menu and centered content on any page.


Admin Theme & Web App Template

Our powerful admin template interface built on top of the Bootstrap framework, fits perfectly for most web applications, wether it’s a management app, like CMS, CRM, SAAS service, financial apps, social networks, you name it!

  • Perfect for Any web application
  • Social Network
  • Community apps
  • Project Management
  • Customer Support
  • Medical
  • Financial
  • eLearning
  • Surveys
  • Events
  • Real Estate
  • Tasks & Projects

Admin Theme Preview:

Multipurpose Front Website

Coral it’s not only an app or admin interface, but a ready to go Multipurpose Frontend Website for your business and clients, featuring:

  • Home page
  • Blog
  • Team
  • Pricing
  • Portfolio
  • Contact

See Multipurpose Front Website Preview

Online Shop Website

Coral includes a ready to go Online Shop Website html interface, featuring:

  • Parallax Home page
  • Catalog & Product pages
  • Shopping cart & Checkout

See Online Shop Website Preview

Real Estate Template & Admin Theme

  • Property listings
  • Property details
  • Compare properties
  • Fullscreen MAP application
  • Multiple Home pages with fullscreen sliders & MAP
  • Real Estate Search filters
  • Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Admin / App Preview:

Real Estate Front / Website Template Preview

Ongoing Development

This very moment, we’re working around the clock on bringing more to Coral and because we love all our customers, the updates are free for everyone!

  • eCommerce
  • Real Estate
  • Travel
  • Recruitment
  • Sports, Music, Sharing
  • and MORE ..


Version 1.9.5 – 18.01.2014

  • New Customer Support sections
    • Forums home page;
      • Fluid layout with Sidebar menu “Fusion” – See preview
      • Boxed layout with top menu and centered content – See preview
    • Forums post page;
      • Fluid layout with Sidebar menu “Fusion” – See preview
      • Boxed layout with top menu and centered content – See preview
    • Knowledge base;
      • Fluid layout with Sidebar menu “Fusion” – See preview
      • Boxed layout with top menu and centered content – See preview
  • New DataTables examples (See preview)
    • Dynamic table with vertical scroll;
    • Loading large data set with AJAX (5,000 results);
    • Fixed table header (follows on scroll);
    • Columns reordering (drag & drop);
    • Improved Show/Hide columns example;
    • All DataTables are now responsive by default (horizontal scroll);
  • New modal form examples (See preview)
    • Credit Card Payment;

Version 1.9.4 – 14.01.2014

  • Fixed:
    • Boxed layout starter examples from v1.9.3;
    • Sidebar “Discover” toggle issue from v1.9.2;
  • Added:
    • Email Compose Modal (See preview);
    • Online Shop Website / Front pages
    • Multi-Purpose Front Website pages
      • New Filterable Portfolio / Video Gallery page (See preview);
    • New menu skin/color options
      • Added “navbar-primary”
      • Added “sidebar-brand-primary”
      • Works in any combination, with “sidebar-blue” or with the default dark sidebar and also with “navbar-blue”, “navbar-inverse” or the default light navbar;
      • Works with any sidebar type: collapsible “Fusion” menu and retractable “Discover” menu;
  • Improved:
    • Better support for dropdowns in the collapsible “Fusion” sidebar menu (e.g. “Modules” dropdown, “Compose” dropdown on Email App, “Profile” dropdown on Social App);
    • Improved modals examples and style; (See preview)

Version 1.9.3 – 11.01.2014

  • Updated: Email App (See preview)
    • Improved / remake of existing Inbox page in terms of structure, design and responsiveness on different devices;
    • Features a fully responsive layout and automatically adjusts it’s behaviour on tablet screens and bellow;
    • Added compose email page; (See preview)
  • Added:
  • Fixed:
    • Sidebar “Discover” CSS bug from v1.9.2;
    • When “layout-blue” applied, colorized the default gray shades into blue grays throughout the template;
  • Improved:
    • Adjusted fonts sizes to make the text more readable;
    • Adjusted collapsible sidebar “Fusion” width to get slightly narrower;
    • Added new type of menu items in the collapsible sidebar, as featured in the “Support” and “Email App” modules;
    • Moved the app logo up next to the brand; Added “Home” and “Inbox” icon buttons in the collapsible “Fusion” sidebar (globally accessible throughout the template); Overall a better and practical utilization of the sidebar;
    • Added new sidebar widget in the “Social App” collapsible menu (mini user profile);
    • Improved pricing tables styles; pricing tables used only in front modules can be used now in any admin / app module;
    • Improved Support Tickets page; added custom checkboxes;

Version 1.9.2 – 08.01.2014

  • Added: New Real Estate App pages
    1. Property details page
    2. Property comparison page
    3. Property edit page
  • Added: New Real Estate Front / Website pages
    1. Home Page with MAP (See preview)
    2. Agent page (See preview)
  • Added: New Social App Contacts page
  • Improved: Layout
    • Added: “layoutAppSeparatorTablet” LESS variable for more control and consistent layout spacings on tablet

Version 1.9.1 – 06.01.2014

  • Fixed: Custom scrollbars issue in Firefox for the sidebars where the scrollbars would still be visible after hidding the sidebar menu
  • Added: New Real Estate App pages
    1. Fullscreen MAP listing page
      • Features: fullscreen google map, loading properties from JSON data, custom info window overlays
      • Top menu layout (See preview)
      • Fluid layout with sidebars (See preview)
  • Added: Fullscreen Vector Maps
  • Added: Fullscreen Google Maps
  • Added: Social App Rating Components
  • Added: Typography page (See preview)
  • Added: Sidebar & navbar blue skin (applied by default)
    • “sidebar-blue” class applied on the sidebar menu; supports both types of sidebar “Discover” and the newest collapsible “Fusion”;
    • “navbar-blue” class applied on the main top navbar;
    • “layout-blue” class applied to the document’s “html” tag; makes the layout’s grays more blueish; used in combination with “sidebar-blue”;
  • Improved:
    • Separated styles used for the main navbar, found in navbar.main.less, into multiple LESS files (navbar.main.less contains the menu layout and the default light color scheme; added two skin files: navbar.main.inverse.less and – makes color customization more intuitive and easy removal of navbar skins when they’re not used

Version 1.9.0 – 04.01.2014

  • Added: Right sidebar hidden by default + toggle visibility option (simply add the class “menu-right-hidden” on the “container-fluid” wrapper – or remove the “menu-right-hidden” class from the wrapper to have the menu visible back by default)
  • Added: Calendar page (See preview)
  • Added: Dashboard Analytics components (See preview)
    • Earnings widget
    • Monthly Spend widget
    • Widget with mixed overlapping charts (bars and lines with filled color points)
    • Trends table
  • Added: Users Dashboard page (See preview)
  • Fixed: select2 component issue that was causing page to reload
  • Fixed: bootstrap-select component issue that was causing page to reload
  • Fixed: login & signup pages
    • Small alignment issues
    • Floated elements broke the layout when in boxed mode
  • Improved: Cleaned up core styles & scripts
    • Separated scripts previously found in core.init.js:
      • functionality used for different sidebar types was moved into their own files (eg. sidebar.main.init.js, sidebar.collapse.init.js,, etc)
      • functionality used only for the invoice page (eg. PDF button) was moved to invoice.init.js
      • removed some unnecessary / unused functionality
    • Removed image-preview plugin from core, now loaded only on pages that actually use it (eg. Social App index)
    • Removed the unused SlimScroll plugin in favor of NiceScroll
    • Removed holder.js plugin from core, now loaded only on pages that actually use it
  • Improved: components & component pages
    • Added custom checkbox component
    • Added custom radio component
    • Added more input control examples
    • Added form horizontal example
    • Added forms in modals examples on the form elements page
    • Improved form elements general styling
    • Improved tabs & form wizards styling
    • Improved form validator styling
    • Improved tables styling
    • Improved grid sample page

Version 1.8.0 – 31.12.2013

  • Fixed: TableTools buttons (print, excel, etc) issue
  • Fixed: DataTables pagination buttons “First”, “Next”, “Last” issue causing the page to reload
  • Fixed: Navigation links styling on the Timelines with Navigation example
  • Added: Auto open the active submenu for Sidebar Discover on page load
  • Added: New Collapsible Sidebar menu type
  • Added: Dark top menu style
  • Added: Light right sidebar menu style
  • Added: New eLearning sections
  • Added: Content / News page
  • Added: New Blank page layout samples (adding up to 24 total layout examples), including the left sidebar menu “Discover” and the newest left sidebar menu “Fusion”.
  • Note: Restructured the main LESS and CSS files in the assets folder, used for importing resources at page level. Instead of browsing through hundreds of styling files in only one folder, now there’s a much readable structure per module. Eg. assets/less/pages/admin.index.less has been moved to assets/less/admin/index.less etc.
  • Note: Generated skin files are no longer included in the download package, instead we offer an easy guide on how to build any custom color skins.
  • Note: The admin module in the download package includes HTML files for all the layout types featured in the online demo
    • coral/admin_sidebar_discover (fluid layout with the 1st sidebar type)
    • coral/admin_sidebar_fusion (fluid layout with the newest sidebar type)
    • coral/admin_top (the boxed layout with top menu)

Version 1.7.0 – 26.12.2013

  • Added: Dashboard Analytics page (See preview)
  • Added: Vector Maps (See preview)
  • Added: Google Maps (See preview)
  • Added: Real Estate Website / Front module (See preview)
    • Full Slider Home Page
    • Property listing page
  • Added: 16 blank page examples with layout and menu options (See preview)
    • Default:
      • Fixed Layout:
        • Top menu
      • Fluid Layout:
        • All menus
        • All menus & no footer
    • Sidebar + Top:
      • Fluid Layout:
        • Sidebar left & Top menu
        • Sidebar right & Top menu
        • Sidebar left & Top menu & no footer
        • Sidebar right & Top menu & no footer
    • Top only:
      • Fixed Layout:
        • Top menu
        • Top menu & no footer
      • Fluid Layout:
        • Top menu
        • Top menu & no footer
    • Sidebar only:
      • Fluid Layout:
        • Sidebar left
        • Sidebar right
        • All Sidebars
        • Sidebar left & no footer
        • Sidebar right & no footer
        • All Sidebars & no footer
  • Fixed: Nicescroll resize on tab change
  • Fixed: Top navbar dropdowns & Footer visibility issues when layout fixed and page content too short
  • Fixed: Vector maps reverse projection markers issue on Firefox
  • Improved: Dashboard Overview page (See preview)

Version 1.6.0 – 23.12.2013

  • Added: Real Estate App module (See preview)
    1. Property Grid Page
    2. Property Listing Page
  • Added: Shop Website / Front module (See preview)
    1. Parallax Home Page
    2. Catalog Product Grid Page
    3. Product Details Page
    4. Shopping Cart Page
    5. Checkout Page
  • Update: Bootstrap Select v1.4.2

Version 1.5.0 – 20.12.2013

  • Added: Landing page
  • Added: Public Profile / Resume page
  • Added: Fixed Layout with Top menu and centered content (compatible with all admin sections)
  • Added: 852 New Icons (Picto Foundry Elite Font Icons)

Version 1.4.0 – 17.12.2013

  • Fixed: IE8 Issues
  • Fixed: IE9 Issues
  • Fixed: IE10 Issues
  • Fixed: IE11 Issues
  • Fixed: Sidebar scroll issue
  • Fixed: Bootbox Custom Dialog example
  • Fixed: Modals visibility
  • Fixed: NiceScroll issue (not allowing page scroll in some cases)
  • Fixed: Sidebar toggle issue on Safari (after hide and show, sidebar wouldn’t appear)
  • Fixed: Safari back button issue (blank page when going back)
  • Added: Events page
  • Added: Survey page (Single question layout)
  • Added: 2nd Survey page (Multiple question layout)
  • Added: Support Tickets page
  • Added: Content Sharing / Stories page
  • Added: Dashboard Analytics Layout
  • Added: Shop Admin Products page
  • Added: Shop Admin Edit product page
  • Added: Forms in Modals Examples (wizards included)
  • Added: 2nd Sidebar Menu on the right
  • Added: Custom Sidebar Widgets on modules (Social, Events, Content)
  • Added: Sidebar 2nd level of submenus
  • Added: Regular non-APP layout type (just remove the “app” class from the html tag) – IE8-IE10 auto-fallback in this layout
  • Updated: Bootstrap v3.0.3
  • Updated: Bootbox v4.1.0
  • Updated: NiceScroll v3.5.4
  • Enhanced: Speed up animations (reduced the animation times to half)
  • Enhanced: Optimized Touch & Resposiveness of Menus and Layouts on tablets and mobile devices
  • Enhanced: Open Sidebar on click instead of mouse over;

Version 1.3.0 – 21.11.2013

  • Improved: General Aesthetics (spacing, borders, colors, etc)
    • Added a new primary color
    • Made all the colors more sharper
    • Retouched the layout spacings, increased the contrasts thus making the widgets and the overall layout more clear
    • Refined the fonts and got rid of unreadable text
    • Dropped the main layout borders, making everything more flat
  • Fixed: Wysihtml5 Buttons & Modals

Version 1.2.0 – 19.11.2013

  • Added: New minimalistic top menu for Admin & Website modules
  • Added: New Video Gallery Page (Supports Youtube & Vimeo)
  • Added: New Photo Gallery Page
  • Added: Color options (20 predefined color skins) for Admin & Website modules
  • Added: Menu options (refinements to allow any of the following combos)
    1. Sidebar + Top menu + Top navbar
    2. Sidebar + Top menu / Sidebar + Top navbar / Top navbar + Top menu
    3. Only sidebar / Only Top menu / Only Top navbar
  • Updated: General styling improvements to the Frontend Module (such as spacings, colors, font sizes, etc)
  • Updated: Sidebar menu styling improvements to the Admin Module
  • Fixed: Image Cropping Component (Rewrite of image-crop.init.js to accomodate app layout animations on page load)
  • Fixed: Form Wizards responsive issues
  • Fixed: Tabs Widgets responsive issues
  • Fixed: Responsive issues on the Social Messages page
  • Fixed: List groups responsive issues

Version 1.1.0 – 15.11.2013

  • Updated: error page
  • Added: medical appointments / meetings page
  • Added: medical metrics / analytics page
  • Fixed: vertically fluid app layout bug in Firefox caused by CSS display table/table-row
  • Updated: FontAwesome Icons to v4.0.3

Version 1.0.0 – 14.11.2013

  • Initial release


  • Multiple Dashboards
  • Online Shop Module (Front & Admin)
  • Real Estate Module (Front & Admin)
  • Travel Module (Front & Admin)
  • Recruitment (HR) App / Agency (Admin & Front)
  • More Social / Community oriented modules (Sports, Music, Sharing)
  • Extend UI: Navbars, Modals, Carousels, Forms, Tables, etc
  • Extend Layout: Fluid top menu & fixed centered content
  • Extend Tasks: Projects, Milestones
  • Extend Customer Support Module (knowledge base, forums)
  • Extend Events Module (Front & Admin)
  • Looking forward for your suggestions!

If you have any features you would like… feel free to send us a message or comment with your suggestions and we will consider adding it to our road map.


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