Delight is a modern, material design oriented Bootstrap dashboard admin template. It features a responsive, mobile first design with modular assets architecture.
Modular Flexible Assets
Using the Delight Theme Package you can easily include only the components that you require in your web app.
Cross Browser Compatible
Delight Theme Package displays beautifully on all major devices and browsers including Internet Explorer 9.
Clean, Lightweight & Fast
No extra CSS or JS. Everything has been curated and tested to work perfectly together.
Admin Dashboard Pages
Create admin panels & dashboards for mobile and web applications the easy way.
Valid W3C code, clean, semantic and easy to modify, Delight Theme Package was build using the latest technologies.
Based on Bootstrap 3.3
Delight Theme Package has its core based on the latest famous Twitter Bootstrap release.
Easy to Customize
Even developers with no design sense can create beautiful things using our theme.
Fully Responsive
Mobile, tablet, desktop, landscape or portrait, big or small, Delight Theme Package works perfectly on all.
The notifications components include widgets like growl like information bubbles, noty notifications and loading indicator bars.
- JGrowl notifications
- Noty notifications
- Loading bar
The response widgets category includes lazy load images preloader, multiple types of loading overlays, loading spinners, progress bars and response messages.
- Images preloader
- Overlays
- Loading spinners
- Progress bars
- Response messages
Regular tabs, responsive tabs, accordions and collapsables are all part of the included navigation components.
- Tabs
- Accordions
- Collapsable
The layouts widgets category include jQueryUI dialogs, Boostrap modals, Slidebars panels, custom scrollbars and multiple snippets.
- Dialogs
- Modals
- Custom scrollbars
- Slidebars panels
- Snippets
Geo Visualization
In the geo visualization category you will find the Google Maps and Vector Maps jQuery plugins.
- Vector maps
- Google maps
Data Visualization
You can create stunning dashboards using the included charts plugins: justGage charts, Morris charts, PieGage charts, Sparklines, xCharts
- justGage charts
- Morris charts
- PieGage charts
- Sparklines
- xCharts
- Chart.js
Core Elements
The core elements should not be excluded from projects. They are the building blocks for templates and components. Some of them are: buttons, badges, labels and images
- Buttons
- Badges
- Labels
- Images
- Ribbons
When using our themes, there are over 500 icons at your disposal. Fontawesome icons, Sky icons, Elusive icons, Iconic icons, Linecons icons, Meteocons icons, Tyicons icons, Spinner icons
- Fontawesome icons
- Sky icons
- Elusive icons
- Iconic icons
- Linecons icons
- Meteocons icons
- Tyicons icons
- Spinner icons
Data Wrappers
Data wrappers consist of regular and plain tables and also dynamic sorting tables with options like row/columns exports.
- Plain tables
- Dynamic tables
The AUI themes have application wrappers integrated, Calendar, Mailbox, Chat, Checklist, Timeline
- Calendar
- Mailbox
- Chat
- Checklist
- Timeline
Forms & Editors
This is probably the most comprehensive and complex components category. It includes things like datepickers, custom selects, switches, sliders, editors, knobs, validation and many more.
- Colorpicker
- jQueryUI datepicker
- Bootstrap datepicker
- Form layouts
- Custom styled inputs
- Chosen select boxes
- Input switches
- Custom multiselects
- Resizable textareas
- Autocomplete
- Spinner
- Input groups
- Input icons
- Timepicker
- Sliders
- Parsley validation
- Image crop
- Input masks
- Input knobs
- Wizard
- WYSIWYG editors
File Uploaders
The AgileUI templates come packed with multiple types of file uploaders, from multiple uploads to custom upload inputs and dropzone uploader.
- Multi upload
- Dropzone uploader
Helper Classes
Helper classes will make your live easier and your development speed faster. Reset, page transitions, animations and spacing helpers.
- Page transitions
- Animations
- Spacing helpers
- Typography helpers
- Resets
Content Boxes
A very important aspect of every admin template should be the tools that allow you to organize and show content to users. Our content boxes include Action boxes, Panels, Dashboard boxes, Chart panels, Social boxes, Tile boxes, Meta boxes among others.
- Regular content boxes
- Action boxes
- Panels
- Dashboard boxes
- Chart panels
- Meta boxes
- Scrollable boxes
- Social boxes
- Tile boxes
Frontend Elements
All the building blocks that you’ll need to build presentation websites and landing pages. Hero sections, Portfolios, Pricing tables, icon boxes, portfolios and many more.
- Carousels
- Slideshows
- Portfolios
- Hero sections
- Page titles
- Testimonials
- Icon boxes
- Pricing tables
- Footers
- Headers
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