Flatastic is a premium HTML5 template that was exclusively designed for e-commerce. It will perfectly suit for any type of online store due its modern, clean and multi-functional layout. The variety of type layouts, header and footers will make a website development process varied and flexible.
Main Features:
All Features:
- Multipurpose design;
- Responsive and retina-ready layout;
- Attractive css animation;
- Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+);
- Valid HTML code;
- Based on Bootstrap 3;
- 18 HTML files included;
- Variety of homepage layouts;
- Boxed and Wide versions
- 2 different Category page layouts;
- 2 different Product page layouts;
- 3 different sliders: Revolution (save $ 15), Camera and Flex sliders;
- 4 different headers;
- 4 different footers;
- Unlimited colors;
- Mega menu and simple drop-down menu;
- Wishlist page;
- Product comparison page;
- Switch on/off floating header option;
- Quick view product popup;
- Touch enabled option for product carousels and sliders;
- Drop-down shopping cart;
- Login pop-up
- List and grid view;
- Product Cloud Zoom and lightbox available;
- Share icons on a product page;
- Working contact form;
- Working twitter feed;
- Working Newsletter subscibtion form;
- “Join us on Facebook” plugin;
- Twitter and Facebook plugin;
- Hover effects and tooltips;
- Google web fonts;
- Iconic fonts;
- 18 PSD files included;
- Documentation;
- Free updates.
All Pages:
- Home 1
- Home 2
- Home 3
- Category page (grid view)
- Category page (list view)
- Category page (no products)
- Product page with sidebar
- Full width product page
- Wishlist
- Compare products
- Manufacturers
- Manufacturer page
- Checkout
- Oders list
- Order details
- Blog
- Blog post
- Contact
Images for the preview were used from http://depositphotos.com , http://www.modnakasta.ua/ and they are not included in the stock file.
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