Glamore – Freshly Different Sidebar Template (Creative)

Responsive, as never seen before

Glamore is a one-of-a-kind template, one such that has never before seen. It comes with an array of colours, easy customisation, tonnes of features, premium high-quality design aesthetics and great animations.

Full-screen, page resizing, collapsible menu, one-page, multi-page etc. are some of the highlights that Glamore ships with.

Try a template that gets your business to stand out of the crowd – Glamore is not a typical one-page template with minor changes, but it is a whole new level of one-page innovation.

  • Extremely fast load time
  • Responsive – works very well on desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones and everything in between
  • High Resolution
  • Parallax Support
  • Sidebar based
  • Isotope Portfolio Filtering
  • Light and Dark pages fully supported
  • Built on LessCSS for easy color customisations
  • Search results template included
  • Typography page included (check preview)
  • Extensive documentation and full instant support
  • Built on Bootstrap 3
  • 400+ icons included
  • Google Fonts supported
  • Working AJAX PHP Form
  • PHP with “include” files included (Default HTML version is also available for non-php buyers)

ThemeForest new Creative items





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