Glue – Responsive Fullscreen Grid Theme (Tumblr)

Glue, a content-focused tumblr theme. It’s sidebar slides into focus when it is needed. This theme includes lots of features and is designed for easy customisation. Glue features a clean and responsive design, which will look good across your devices!

But we’ll stop here and let Glue speak for itself. We’ll leave this list of features below, but please visit our demo site to get a look at what this theme has to offer!


Slidebar – The side navigation slides into focus when you need it, allowing your content to be the centre of attention!

Customise – Make Glue just how you want it to be! With plenty to customise, you won’t fail to make your blog look awesome.

Gapless posts – Gaps? What gaps? All your posts are tightly knitted together for a edge to edge visual experience.

Responsive Design – Your blog will look great on smartphones and tablets

Retina Ready – Glue will look just as good on a Retina display as it would on a Non-Retina display.

Social Icons – Easily add social icons and links to the sidebar

Infinite scroll – Let your viewers scroll through all your posts infinitely without a single click

Custom Logo – Add a custom logo to your sidebar or stick with text only

Google Web Fonts – Easily add and swap one of Google’s 650+ Web Fonts to your blog

Custom tags – Add up to 5 tags to your sidebar so your viewers can filter through your posts

Flickr, Dribbble & Twitter – Ready to use Sidebar Widgets, all you have to do is add your username

Small or Large posts – If you’d like to have bigger posts on your blog then we have it covered.

Collapse Photosets – Choose whether you’d like your Photosets to show in full on the Index page, or select them individually with the tag #expand

Support for all Tumblr post types – Photo, Photoset, Text, Audio, Video, Link, Quote & Chat

DISQUS Commenting System – Add the popular blog comment hosting service to your blog

Google analytics – Use Google to track your visitors and traffic in real time

HTML5 & CSS3 – This theme has been written in modern coding languages.

Modern Browsers – Optimized to look and work great in all modern browsers

ThemeForest new Tumblr items





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