Iriy Admin is a flat and fully responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components, elements and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. Performance of each component is highly optimized for different browsers and devices. Iriy Admin can be used for all type of web applications like Analytics Application, Project Management System, Admin Panel, Backend Application, Ticketing System, Customer Service Software, CRM, CMS, etc.
- Build with Twitter Bootstrap 3
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Full SASS Support
- Compile sources with Grunt tasks
- Fully Responsive
- Retina Ready
- Mobile First
- Multilevel Menu (6 levels)
- Cross Browser Support
- Unique Google Maps skins
- Well Documented
- Easily Customizable Panels / Widgets
- 10 background colors
- Custom panel body color support
- 3 size options
- Font Awesome 4.1
- Fully Responsive Features
- Panels
- Stats Metrics
- Charts
- Tabs
- Accordions
- Dropdowns
- Progress Bars
- Popovers
- Tooltips
- Responsive Tables
- Datepickers
- Timepickers
- Form Validation
- Form Wizards
- and more!
- Ready Pages
- Dashboard
- Team Members
- User Profile
- Search Results
- Sign In
- Sign Up
- Errors (404, 500)
- Popular Plugins Integration
- Select2
- SelectBoxIt
- Chosen
- DataTables
- iCheck
- Bootstrap Switch
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- jQuery Validation
- Twitter Bootstrap Wizard
- jQuery Knob Circle Dials
- Ion Range Slider
- Rickshaw
- Flot
- morris.js
- jQuery Sparklines
- jVectorMap
- Autogrow Textarea
- Navgoco
- Responsive Layout For Internet Explorer 8(Respond.js)
Supported browsers
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Opera
- Internet Explorer 8+
Version 1.0 – 8 July 2014
- Initial Release
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