LearnPlus – Learning Management Application (Admin Templates)


LearnPlus is a beautifully crafted user interface for modern Learning web applications. LearnPlus includes examples for all the website pages possibly needed for a LMS application, covering the most important roles in any learning application, the student and the instructor.

Student application page examples

  • All Courses catalog
  • Public View Course page for non-paying students with a course video preview, course lessons list, partial access to some lessons, pricing (subscription or single purchase), about the instructor and course ratings
  • Private Take Course pages for paying members with access to all course lessons and download lesson files
  • Student Dashboard with subscription status, recent courses, student rewards, quiz performance and forum activity
  • Take Quiz page with a sidebar navigation for the quiz questions, a quiz countdown timer and quiz statistics
  • Quiz Results page displaying the summary of a single quiz submission by a student, displaying the correct answers and offering the possibility to restart the quiz
  • Edit Account page with common editable profile fields (avatar image upload, the student name, email, password, etc) and Account Billing settings with saved payment methods
  • My Courses page displaying only the courses started by the student, with progress activity
  • Messages for system notifications or student / instructor private messaging
  • Billing with payment history, past invoices and overdue payment notice with the option to pay
  • Make Payment page with saved payment options such as credit cards, PayPal or pay by a different card form
  • Checkout page for purchasing multiple items at once
  • Printable Invoice template page
  • Student Public Profile displaying acquired skills with courses completed by the student and rewards

Instructor application page examples

  • Instructor Dashboard with earnings statistics displaying the last 30 days, sales by Course, latest transactions and latest student comments
  • Course Manager displaying the instructor courses portfolio
  • Create or Edit Quiz with basic quiz information such as title, associated course, image uploader, quiz time limit, sortable quiz questions and a custom question modal interface
  • Review Quiz displaying the submissions and review history for a single quiz, with review options and score assignment per question for instructors
  • Instructor Public Profile displaying the instructor rating and a public portfolio of all the courses by the instructor
  • Messages for system notifications or student / instructor private messaging
  • Earnings page with sales statistics by year and by course
  • Statement page with detailed transaction history

Other application pages

  • Login / Signup pages
  • Forum Home with categorised discussion threads and search
  • Forum Thread page displaying a complete discussion on a subject with replies
  • Get Help serving a simple but essential F.A.Q section for customer support

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