LUPA is a fully responsive HTML5 & CSS3 site template built with Twitter Bootstrap suitable for companies or individuals who want to present their work at the highest levels. It includes 6 different homepage layouts and 3 blogs. Template is very clean and modern designed with many cool features that will make your work stand out from the rest.
Theme Features
- Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Responsive Layout
- Parallax Design
- Easy to Edit Animations
- Smooth Scrolling
- Font Elegant-Icon
- 6 Homepage Layouts
- Isotope ($ 25 value)
- Working contact form without page refresh
- Filterable Portfolio
- Google Fonts
- Styled Google Map
- Pricing Tables
- Sticky Navigation
- Browser Compatibility
- Rich styling options
- Easy to Customize
- Very easy way to change the colour
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Clean Code
- Help documentation
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Twitter Bootstrap Hover Dropdown
- Isotope
- Fitvids
- FlexSlider
- Contact Form
- Bootstrap Validation
- Lazy Load
- Counter
- Magnific Popup
- Owl Carousel
- YTPlayer
- Superslides
- jQuery Waypoints
NOTE: Images are not included in this file.
<strong>v1.0 (25 May 2014)</strong> - Initial release
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