Minoral is premium flat admin theme builded on popular twitter bootstrap v3. Minoral is fully based on HTML5 + SCSS standards. Is fully responsive and clean on every device.
Minoral contains many example pages with many ready to use elements and almost every this element have a show code button for quick documentation.
Minoral work on every modern browser, any device and any screen size.
Any new improvements which you’ll like to see in next build are welcome, please let us know what you want to be added. And don’t forget to rate this item .
Thank you and enjoy with Minoral.
- Responsive design
- Font Awesome
- Integrated charts (jQuery flot, Sparklines, JustGage, Rickshaw, Morris.js, EasyPieChart)
- Dynamic tables (Datatables)
- Growl style notifications (using jGrowl)
- Calendar (using Fullcalendar)
- Form wizard (using bootstrapWizard)
- Validated HTML5
- Sliders, Togglers
- WYSIWYG editor (using Summernote)
- Form validation (using parsley.js)
- Color Schemes
- Multiple selectboxes (using Chosen)
- Easy customized tiles
- Show snippet on almost every element
Version 1.0b – 24.02.2014
- Corner flip tile graphic bug fixed - Sidebar bug fixed after deleting animated badge in navbar
Version 1.0a – 18.02.2014
- card flip animation browser fix
Initial Release 1.0 – 14.02.2014
- menu stay active while clicking on outside - tabs responsive - http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-tabdrop/ - tile types page to interface - refresh and close elements - make height 100% if there is no content - sidebar multilevel dropdown not functional - w3c validation - resolve calendar scroll issue - resolve gallery scroll issue
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