Modern Store Opencart Responsive Theme is specialized for Suit, wedding, dress, Flowers, bouquet, shoes, coffee, bakery, food, drinks, art, home, decor, crafts, furniture, mega, electronics, women, lingerie, Beauty, cosmetics, Jewellery, Fashion, watch, accessories, bags, goggles, parallax, auto, tools, cloths, minimal and multi purpose store. Bags Store is looking good with its colors combination and included four different Layouts. It is very clean and looks professional.
23 Pre-Made Layouts
- 23 Pre-Made Layouts
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Smart Responsive Grids
- Include Google Fonts
- Support Multiple Languages
- Included RTL Language Support
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly
- Optimized for Fast Loading + CSS Sprite
- Unlimited Banners + Sliders
- Mega Menu Design
- Product View with Carousel
- Validate XHTML and CSS markup
- Avoid JavaScript Confliction
- Compatible with all major browsers
- Full Designing package (PSD, Resource)
- Full Developer Package (Theme Files)
- Full user-guide Documentation resources
- Extra CMS Blocks
- Easy Customization with Well-structured and commented code
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Images used in live preview are not included in package.
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