Motret Fullscreen Cover Ghost Theme (Ghost Themes)

Motret comes with lovely posts style with full cover image and video. Yes, first video attached in post will become cover for the front post.

Motret Features

  • Ghost 0.4.x ready
  • Recent post with fullscreen cover, great for exposing your post title and photo/video
  • Responsive layout
  • Responsive Images
  • Responsive Video Embeds from Youtube and Vimeo

Ghost 0.4.x ready

Ghost 0.4.x features in Motret comes with custom background cover for the site and user background with custom profile picture. You can describe yourself as a writer in every last paragraph of each post with additional website link.

Responsive by default

With simple layout and focus on readablity for the contents, we make everything in it such as images and video embeds fluid and fits perfectly in every device resolutions.

Documentation for first time user

We already have some posts of using Motret from installing Motret theme to add background, logo, avatar, user background and more.

Read Documentation for Motret

ThemeForest new Blogging items





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