Main Features
- Responsive Design
- jQuery Instagram Widget
- MailChimp Newsletter PHP & Ajax Form
- PHP & Ajax Contact Form
- Page Templates
- Slider
- jQuery Loading
- Slider of the first four posts.
- Search
- Related posts widget in the Post page.
- Disqus Comments in the Post page and Counting Disqus comments of the posts.
- Next/Prev Posts in the Post page.
- Widgets: Latest Posts, Social media, Newsletter (MailChimp), Cloud Tags, Categories with counting of the posts (if you want, instead of using tags format), Twitter, Facebook, Advertisement, Instagram (the feed picture’s of your profile).
- Menu in the header with possibilities to add widgets.
- Footer with widgets: Latest Posts, Newsletter (MailChimp), Advertisement..
- Author Page with cover, location, site, facebook, twitter..
- Twitter and Facebook links to the Blog and to the specific Author, now may edit in the admin panel.
- Tag Page with description.
- Page with different layouts.
- 404 Page
- Shortcodes Page
- Unlimited Colors
- Social Media
- Google Web Fonts
- Font Awesome Icons
- Modern Design
- Bootstrap Framework
- Optimized and Clean Code
- Professional Support
- Documentation
Customer Reviews
Item Support
Thank you so much for purchasing one of ‘Gloria Theme’ themes and template. You can create a support ticket to Gloria Theme themes. Our support team will respond your ticket support within 24-48 hours. We dont work weekends. Our technical support team will respond within working hours to ticket.
We look forward to providing you with a quality customer service, but before that, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the following terms and conditions, regarding the support we offer:
- Please be sure that you have read the documentation, which came bundled with your download. The documentation covers important topics, ranging from the installation of the theme, to its proper usage.
- Please be aware that we try our best to monitor the forums around the clock, but because of a large amount of support inquires that we have to deal with on a daily basis, please allow 24 – 48 HOURS to receive an answer to your ticket.