Neu – Responsive Boostrap Admin Theme (Admin Templates)

Neu is a responsive and multipurpose admin template built with the Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 Framework. Customizing the color palette as well as the details is extremely easy using the included LESS files.

V1.3 Edits in Progress: Color Picker, Photo Gallery, Timeline, Updated Dashboard w/ new widgets (weather, images, etc.), additional IE 8 Support, Smooth Sidebar Animations, Draggable Portals

Main Features

  • Built with Boostrap 3.0
  • LESS files included
  • Color palette defined in theme.variables.less
  • Colors assigned in theme.less
  • Horizontal or vertical navigation
  • Valid HTML markup
  • Up to date jquery plugins
  • Boxed Layout Option
  • Counter
  • Stylized Charts & Graphs


ThemeForest new Admin Templates items





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