ORB — fully responsive admin template powered by BootStrap 3 Framework. ORB is packed with tons of accurately styled and predefined components, plugins and features that can be used in creation of admin dashboards, CRM and CMS panels. ORB has own premium and unique features, such as powerfull ORB Widgets, Portlets Gallery, Prototyped Inbox, Form Validation and AJAX Processing, revised Bootstrap Modal and Popover classes and much more. ORB is also bundled with 6 predefined styles.
Almost month of hard work, valid HTML, JSHint compartible JavaScript code, 40 beautiful pages, great collection of included plugins, plus exclusive and premium plugins overall value more than $ 25. ORB – is a great deal, really.
Generally, this template — is the original author’s vision of how the admin dashboard should look like. Nice combination of colors, unobtrusive transitions, responsive design, code culture and unique features — that is all our ORB. Please note that ORB made for professionals and require programming skills and deep (medium) knowledge in JS, CSS3, HTML and PHP. If you a novice in web-development ORB could be great starting point to code diggin and copy-paste style studying.
Full features list:
- Thought-out interface – 3 mouse clicks rule
- Animation for Bootstrap Modal and Popovers
- Extended Bootstrap Progress Bars + (Horizontal bars with Persentage)
- Chartjs Charts
- Easypie Charts
- FlotCharts Graphs
- Morris Charts
- Sparklines Charts
- Forms Validation and Masking everywhere (including 3 ready PHP from processors)
- Custom Forms Grid with beautifully styled components
- Stars Rating System inclusion for forms
- Steps Form Wizard With Validation
- JQuery UI and iON Range Slider
- Toggle Fullscreen, Left Bar, SideBar
- Dropdown Horizontal Menu with stats and data
- Knob Inputs
- 4 Variations for Nestable lists
- Simple ToDos App
- Awesome Inbox App
- Powerfull Widgets Grid
- X-Editables
- Tons of colors, margin and padding shortcodes
- and much more!
*User images are for demo only and not included in theme.
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