Piluku is an admin template with Flat, Responsive, Admin Dashboard and also included with Material Effect elements. This template is built on twitter Bootstrap 3.3.4, with bunch of features(third party elements) included. It can be used for backend admins from login to finished user pages. This comes with fully detailed documentation which explains you to get quick started and use of some unique elements. We provide great support.
Key Features
- Built on Less for faster and more efficient coding
- Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Unlimited Colorful themes
- Complete Flat Design
- Responsive & Light Design with material effect elements
- Widgets Ready
- Admin Targeted Widgets
- Info-boxes with neat and clean styles
- Lots of jQuery plugins
- Data tables, Editable tables(x-editable)
- All bootstrap UI Kits & Components included
- 1500+ Icons (Font awesome, ionicons, Themify Icons)
- Five different maps plugins with markers and routes
- Five Colorful different charts plugins
- Fully Documented
- Hierarchal menu with beautiful style
- Beautiful Login, SignUp and LockScreen with two different models each
- Error Pages included
- Unique Timeline and Mailbox
- Masonry and rotated galleries
- Advanced Notifications
- Beautiful and Flat File Browser
- Sweet alerts alternative for browser alerts
- Live Charts
- Form Wizards & Validations
- Beautiful form layouts
- Advanced Portlets with ajax loading
- Flat File Browser
- Multiple Form Upload
- Markable toDo List widget
- Date pagination
- FAQ included
- Lots of handful animations
- Redesign most of all bootstrap components
- Stylish Pricing Tables
Pages Included
- Dashboard
- Unique Layouts
- Collapsed Sidebar
- Menu with Header
- Horizontal Menu
- Right Sidebar
- Boxed Layout
- Boxed Horizontal Menu
- Static Sidebar
- Piluku Premium
- Widgets
- Tasks
- Mailbox
- Profile
- Invoice
- Timeline
- Pricing
- Gallery
- Masonry Gallery
- Rotated Gallery
- Typography
- Components
- Alerts
- Basic Alerts
- Sweet Alerts
- Progress Bars
- Dropdowns
- Info Boxes
- Notifications
- Buttons
- Tree View
- CSS3 Animations
- Sliders
- Nestable Lists
- Carousel
- Portlets
- Icons
- Ion Icons
- Font Awesome
- Themify Icons
- Tooltips
- Labels Badges
- List Groups
- Breadcrumbs
- Tabs Accordions
- File Manager
- Modals
- Pgination
- Alerts
- Forms
- Dropzone File Upload
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- Input Groups
- Form Elements
- Multiple File Upload
- Image Crop Zoom
- Wysiwig & Markdown
- Tables
- Basic Tables
- Dynamic Tables
- Editable Tables
- Users Table
- Piluku Utility
- Register
- Modal One
- Modal Two
- Login
- Modal One
- Modal Two
- Forgot Password
- Lock Screen
- Lock Screen 2
- 404
- 505
- Template
- Register
- Charts
- Line & Area Charts
- Bar Charts
- Pie Charts
- NVD3 Charts
- Maps
- Google Maps
- Basic Maps
- Markers Maps
- Routes Maps
- Vector Maps
- Google Maps
- Menu Levels
- Menu Level 1.1
- Menu Level 2.1
- Menu Level 2.2
- Menu Level 2.3
- Menu Level 1.2
- Menu Level 1.3
- Menu Level 1.1
Version Log
Version 1.0
- Initial Release
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