Pixit is a flat and responsive admin template for multi-usage built with Bootstrap 3. There are a lot of useful components, well organized and structured properly.
It offer you great variety of layout options and resources and it include a frontend theme. New pages and plugins are coming soon. Feel free to ask for specific update.
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework 3
- Fixed sidebar and topbar
- 4 differents left sidebar: large, medium, small and hidden
- Chat right sidebar
- Widgets: weather, chat, profil, statistics, flip panels
- 5 charts libraries: flot, morris, ricksaw, sparkline, d3
- Custom notifications with various status, positions and options
- Custom modals with transition effects
- Animations CSS3 demo page
- Tables:
- Various styles of tables: contextual, striped, bordered, hover
- Editable tables: remove, edit or add data on the fly
- Search results
- Reorder columns
- Fixed columns
- Hide/show columns
- Forms:
- Custom form style
- Datepicker / Timepicker / Modal date and time picker
- Custom slider and switch
- WYSIWYG editor
- Inline editable elements
- Multi file upload: dropzone and jquery file upload
- Wizard online & modal
- Advanced validation options
- Custom pages:
- Timeline
- Mailbox and new message
- Blog list and single post
- User profile
- Gallery
- Medias manager
- Login page / Signup page / Password recover
- Lockscreen page
- Error pages: 404, 500
- Calendar with draggable & editable events
- Line /Bar/ Pie charts (Flot, Rickshaw, Morris, NvD3, Sparkline, Circliful)
- Custom icons & buttons
- Many bootstrap plugins
- Various Font icons set
- Custom notifications
- Tooltips & popovers
- Nestable and sortable list with dark and light style
- File trees
- Image croping
- Google Maps
- Custom panels / Draggable panels
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