Especially designed to serve for online supermarket businesses, Titanshop theme has a neat and clean layout with blocks are aligned smartly and many Deals modules are included to most comfort visitors. Simple white background is enough to make product displays stand out, a logical combination of colors and texture, together with reasonable animation effect impress visitors. But the most remarkable thing about Titanshop is its powerful and useful features. A friendly responsive design, adaptive screen with the new Bootstrap 3 is already very impressive. Besides that, Visual Content Editor allows you to edit content directly on front-end. Key features for an online market, such as Featured products, Promotions, Deals with Timing, are absolutely ready. It’s no doubt that Titanshop will get traffic for your site, and also help boosting sales.
Let’s show the world your style and tell the world how
Compatibility with Magento: Community edition 1.7.x , 1.8.x, 1.9.x .
You can change visual appearance of almost every element of this Magento theme. You can set your favorite colors and generate css file from the admin.
No coding needed, all can be edited directly in admin panel. Select colors of dozens of elements using color pickers, set hundreds of options, apply textures for header, footer and for the entire page, upload background image and configure its properties (position, repeating, attachment), change font and font-size, and many many more…
- Customizing your own colors, fonts, sizes, border shadow, rounded corner, headline 1,2,3,4,5, buttons and more.
- Customizing image sizes and image background color on product grids, product detail page, related products, upsell, crosssell, shopping cart
- Lets you choose 100+ included background stripes or upload your own background image
- Support all Google fonts
- Styling your own buttons’ styles
- Adding your own custom CSS file and CSS code without modify the original source code. Convenience for your maintenance.
- Support multi-store let you create your own layout, own settings variants applied to each stores.
Unlimited Colors & Multipurpose
Custom Colors
With Gala TitanShop, you can easily change the overall appearance of your site by editing your site’s layout, themes, colors, and fonts. Make your webstore look special! You can create as many custom color schemes as you need and easily apply to your webstore
- Create your own custom.css or input css code directly in the theme configuration
- Adjust theme variation settings as needed
- No core files were modified
- Support multi-stores, allow to set up own custom style per store
Google Fonts
Change appearance of your titles without coding just in a few clicks whatever you want.
Background Pattern
- All you need is upload a few images to get background slider working
- Choose your favorite patern from available or upload your own one.
Box Wide Layout
Choose your favorite layout: boxed or wide
You can use the grid system to build custom content
Gala TitanShop is optimized for all screen resolutions. If you resize web browser window, theme elements will be transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 320 to 1280 pixels) in order to adapt to the current screen size.
Visual Editor
Another cool feature of Galathemes is let you edit your blocks visually. No more wasting time for finding block name in user guide.
Built-in Layout Theme Framework
Our innovated Theme Framework built-in lets you change and ‘develop’ your own layouts with no restriction. You can add new positions or areas, change your displaying blocks and widgets in any position, change sizes of blocks and columns freely. EM Theme Framework also supports multi-stores that you can assign different stores using different layouts.
This theme looks great not only on desktops but also on devices. What means that there are no special requirements for your clients to browse your website.
Full functionality of your magento store on all mobile devices is guaranteed. Give your visitors a beautiful interface of your online shop.
Gala TitanShop is optimized for all screen resolutions. If you resize web browser window, theme elements will be transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 320 to 1280 pixels) in order to adapt to the current screen size.
Buying this theme you also get incredible revolution slider with admin interface without any charges. This slider can be used as boxed slider,wide slider,fluild slider. A ton of slider options including position of sliders can be set just from the admin.
- Create image slideshow widget instance and display on any position
- Embed to any pages, static blocks
- Create unlimited layered per slide, configure various effects.
- Configure slideshow effect, auto sliding, thumbnail, text, navigation…
Fluid Revolution Slider
- Build your multiple columns menu with drag &drop features
- Easily to embed static or dynamic contents on menu columns.
- Support inserting static blocks, dynamic widget instances, dynamic categories listing or featured product details on menu.
- Essentially support viewing Mega Menu on mobile with smart sliding menu allows to view all content in sub menus. Support native browser’s back button.
Mega Menu & Mobile-Friendly Mega Menu
You can set how many items to show in column and it will be automatically divided to approriate number of columns.
You can change appearance of mega menu just from the admin panel without any coding
Enable/Disable Default Navigation
You can enable/disable Default Navigation just from the admin panel without any coding
Sticky Menu
Can be enabled from the admin
- Display bestseller, featured, sale off, latest reviewed products in certain categories, support sorting, limit number of products, width & height of each item and thumbnail.
- Allow to configure whether to show product title, description, reviews, price, buttons, label or not.
- Template listing, grid or your custom template.
- Cache enabled to improve performance.
Products Widget
Bestseller / Featured / New / Sale off / Latest Reviewed Products Widgets
Products Label Widget
Allow to create and manage product labels show on top of product images like to indicate bestseller, new, special products… You are freely to create more label and configure conditions to display labels in the backend.
There is ability to display “sale”, “new”, “hot” labels on your products. You can also display sale persantage, change labels order and their appearance.
Carousel Slider
- Create unlimited sliders in pages, static blocks or any positions.
- You can make products slider, image slider or any content slider.
- Support vertical or horizontal slider, auto sliding, number of items sliding, sliding speed…
Tabs Widget
- Create unlimited tabs in pages, static blocks or any positions.
- Each tab contains other widgets or static blocks.
- You can embed products listing, slider or any content into tabs.
- Support multi-lingual.
Let your customers buy your stuff with ease
Ajax Cart
You can add products to Cart in a single click, without leaving current page.
Advanced Layered Navigation
Make better your shop by block with ajax options, ajax price slider without refreshing a page.
Product Quick-View
Allow customer to quickly view a product details on fancy box popup without leaving current page. You can turn on/off this feature in the backend.
- Display bestseller, featured, sale off, new, latest reviewed products in certain categories, support sorting, limit number of products, width & height of each item and thumbnail.
- Allow to configure whether to show product title, description, reviews, price, buttons, label or not.
- Template listing, grid or custom.
Home Page Layout
You can choose the layout of the home page: one, two or three columns. Display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks. Enable/disable Magento’s default sidebar blocks.
Drop Down Top Cart
Multi Deal Pro
Create deals with products, Clock countdown
Social Links
Allows you to share links to your profiles in social networks
Product Hover & Alternative Image
Category Layout
- Fluid product grid & listing mode
- Customizable product grid & listing – configure the display of the following elements of the grid: product name, price, “Add to cart” button, ratings (stars), “Add to wishlist” and “Add to compare” links.
- Size of elements – control the size of the elements: product item, thumbnail
- Alternative images – show alternative product images on mouse hover (in category view and in product sliders)
Product Grid Layout & Configuration
You can choose either to use full width layout or with sidebar. Also you can easily setup columns for sidebar through admin panel
Product List Layout & Configuration
Block Sidebar Position
Enable/disable, set position Magento’s default sidebar blocks.
There are many parts of product page which can be changed just from the admin panel. All options ca be set for all product and for every single product.
Details Page Layout
Adjust product page layout from the admin panel so it fits your store requirement. 4 layouts included.
Next/Previous Product
Go to the previous or next product without leaving product page
You can change appearance of product images. On small layouts cloud zoom is perfect decision but on a big one images slider will look better instead.
You have ability to display your big product images in a block that floats overtop of web page
Enable/Disable Slider Tab
Unlimited Custom Slider Tab
Creating additional custom tabs is really ease. All you need is create a static block and set as new tab
Config Product Imagae Size
All product images, product thumbnails’ sizes can be configured in the backend as you want. If your web store has different background color, you can configure product image background accordingly.
Custom CMS Block
Adding banners or any other static content on product pages became pretty ease with our predefined static block which can be set for all your products and overriden for every single product
Cloud Tag Option
Social Block
This widget allows you to share links to your profiles in social networks. Enable/Disable option in admin panel
- Responsive design, adaptive screen solutions: 1280px, 1024px, and lower than 640px.
- Bootstrap CSS 3.
- Built with Theme Framework allows to arrange different layout easily.
- Visual Content Editor lets you edit content directly on front-end.
- Powerful theme settings lets you change colors, font, typography and other styling flexibility.
- Drag & Drop Mega Menu builder, build your multiple column menu never been easier. worth $ 49, included for free
- Advanced Layered Navigation, browsing products easier and faster. worth $ 49, included for free
- EM Multi Deal Pro, allows showing products on Sales with count-down clock. worth $ 69, included for free
- Set hover image on mouse over product thumbnail.
- Included Advance CMS Static Block Widget.
- Included Bestseller Products Widget worth $ 49, included for free.
- Included Advance New Products Widget worth $ 49, included for free.
- Included Ajax New Products Widget worth $ 49, included for free.
- Included Featured Products Widget worth $ 49, included for free.
- Included Sale-Off Products Widget. worth $ 49, included for free
- Included Carousel Slider Widget.
- Included Tabs Widget.
- Product quick-view feature.
- Ajax add to cart feature.
- Included custom Product labels extension.
- Customize your product image sizes freely.
- Customize number of products display per row freely.
- Typography for general elements, grid, buttons ready.
- Detailed documentation.
- Dedicated support team using support ticket system at [email protected]
- Installation instruction video.
Typography & Custom CSS Classes
Theme support general typography, support all HTML elements, 24 columns grid system, support adaptive layout. Check out the Typography and Widget pages for details.
Detailed instruction to help you install the theme on your store or install build a full demo site like our demo store. Detailed instruction for using our extensions, widget, theme settings. For developer, it guides you to develop a custom style extended from the original style without modifying the original source code.
Community Support & Customer Support
Our support team guarantees to respond you within 24 working hours. You can send us email to [email protected], when you receive an auto-response email it means that your question has been delivered to our system ticket system. We will proceed tickets and respond you to in the queue order.
Our working hour is from 8:00AM to 5:00PM GMT+8 Monday to Saturday.
Version 1.0 - 15/7/2014 - Initial release
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