Saturn – Responsive admin dashboard template (Admin Templates)

Recent Updates

  • Ver 1.4 (Jan 23):
    • Added “Order Details” Page (View)
    • Added “Profile” Page (View)
    • Styled dropdowns for links in the top bar
  • Ver 1.3.1 (Jan 20th):
    • – Fixed modal fading issue

Saturn is a multipurpose admin dashboard template built on top of the latest Twitter Boostrap framework! It’s super easy to change color schemes on the fly with a powerful LESS css framework, there is no need to go and find all the colors through multiple css colors, all the variables are located in a single file where you can easily manipulate the look and feel of the theme!


  • Responsive Layout
  • Built on Bootstrap 3.0
  • All colors are in LESS css variables, so you can easily adjust per your needs
  • Unlimited Color Combinations
  • Dashboard with charts widgets
  • Forms, form uploads, multiple select box by chosen
  • jQuery form validation
  • Tabs, Pills bars
  • Line chart, Pie chart, area chart, gauges and many more
  • 8 Color widgets
  • Widget reload logic
  • Widget color change on the fly
  • Widget minimize, collapse effects
  • Tasks TODO List
  • Real Time chart
  • User Chat layout
  • Server Activity table
  • Calendar
  • Data Tables
  • Range Sliders
  • Profile Page
  • Invoice Page
  • Order Details Page
  • 4 versions of layout: left side menu, right side menu, collapsed side menu and horizontal menu
  • Extra pages: Login, Registration, Search page, File not found page, Server Error Page

Credits & Resources used

Perfect match for our beautiful WordPress theme

Update Log

  • Ver 1.4 (Jan 23):
    • Added “Order Details” Page (View)
    • Added “Profile” Page (View)
    • Styled dropdowns for links in the top bar
  • Ver 1.3.1 (Jan 20th):
    • – Fixed modal fading issue
  • Ver 1.3 (Dec 30th):
    • – Added css fix for full height body
    • – Added google maps
    • – Added full size widget view
    • – Fixed issue with mobile view side menu visible on “hide-sub-menu” class
    • – Re-organized folder structure (separated external plugins into separate folder)
  • Ver 1.2 (Dec 28th):
    • – Added Invoice Page (view here)
    • Updated Font Awesome to ver 4.0.3
  • Ver 1.1 (Dec 20th) – Added front end template

ThemeForest new Admin Templates items





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