Symmetric – A Magazine Theme for Ghost (Ghost Themes)

Symmetric is a well structured magazine theme for Ghost. It is focused in the content and extend main Ghost funcionalities so the user get a unique web experiencie in this platform.


We offer direct help via our support system, just submit a ticket if you have any question.


What our customers says



  • Constantly updated.
  • Editorial style.
  • HTML5 & CSS3 ready.
  • Ghost 0.7.x compatible.
  • PSD logo included.
  • Featured Articles carousel.
  • Featured sidebar (with 2 main categories).
  • Recent tweets widget.
  • 2 Single post dispositions
    • Fullwidth: cover for large images, see here.
    • Standard: image inside the article, see here.
  • Custom Tag page, see here.
  • Custom Author page, see here.
  • Custom 404 Page see here.
  • Blog background cover support.
  • Search Widget.
  • Gallery Support, similar to a WordPress Shortcode.
  • Native Google Maps v3 Integration, similar to a WordPress Shortcode.
  • Optimized advertising sections.
  • Disqus Support.
  • Syntax Highlighter.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Video Support (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
  • Retina Display Ready.
  • Font Awesome icons.
  • Works on Android, Ipad and Iphone.
  • Documentation included.
  • Clean Design.
  • Well Coded.
  • Navigation Menu.


 v1.4 - 31 October 2015  -- ----------------------  - Updated to latest disqus integration code. - Added comments icon when single standard view is displayed.  v1.3.1 - 27 October 2015  ------------------------  - Improved: now facebook widget is displayed in English by default.  v1.3 - 24 October 2015  ------------------------  - Fixed: latest tweets widget (now works in a diferent way so check the documentation).  v1.2 - 22 October 2015  ------------------------  - Fixed: menu links overlapping on mobile devices. - Improved: single post share buttons disposition on mobile devices.  v1.1 - 13 October 2015  ------------------------  - Added: flickr widget (config file was updated too). - Added share buttons on articles. - Minor fix: Removed search box animation from sticky menu to optimize menu max width. - Minor fix: footer logo title now is white when no image logo is uploaded. - Changed Gallery shortcode animation. - Improved main-color.css file so now the user have more control over the design. - Improved menu disposition on tablet devices and small desktops. - Improved author page disposition when no cover image is uploaded. - Improved advertising banners. - Documentation updated.


Images by: unsplash


Fonts icons by: Fonts Awesome

ThemeForest new Ghost Themes items


