Tisa Premium Admin Template (Admin Templates)

Tisa Admin is a clean HTML5/CSS3 backend template based on Twitter Bootstrap 3 Framework, it’s cross-browser compatible and works great on mobile devices. Tisa Admin has a lot of features, custom pages and has very handy style switcher so you can easily change colors and side navigation width. For easy customization less files are included in this template.

Key Features

  • Responsive Layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Build with less files
  • Based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework 3
  • Custom pages: Todo, Newsletter, Ecommerce, Error 404, Mailbox, User Profile, and more
  • Integrated 2 plotting libraries (flot and nvd3)
  • Form Elements
    • 2 column multiselect
    • Enchanced select boxes
    • Masked inputs
    • Datepicker
    • Timepicker
    • Switch buttons
    • Sliders
    • Autosize textareas
    • Drag?Drop Multiupload
    • WYSIWG Editor
  • Form Validation
  • Wizard
  • Calendar
  • Responsive gallery grid
  • Google maps
  • Datatables
  • Responsive Table
  • Custom notifications
  • Tooltips and Popovers
  • 3 Icon Sets with search functionality


Tisa Admin comes with documentation that covers most of the aspects regarding using this template. If you need more help with setting some pages or plugins please don’t hesitate to contact me. Also if you have any request regarding Tisa Admin template please send me message and I’ll try to include your request with next update.


 v1.0 (20.03.2014)   - initial release 

ThemeForest new Admin Templates items





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