Transport – Logistic, Transportation & Warehouse WordPress Theme
Transport, a customized and responsive WordPress Theme for Architects, Engineers and various Builders to design Transport websites.Being a Responsive layout, it’s built on Mobile First Approach which makes it best of all. It is coded in LESS CSS so you get freedom to change its color theme of your choice. Same is with the fonts, it is just a matter of changing name and you get an updated look . Revolution Slider plugins is one of the advantages you get when you buy this template. It is loaded with effects that give your homepage header a WoW look. Font Awesome, Retina Images & Google Fonts will let your visitors experience high quality website view. Also, all the pages are 100% W3C validated & coded in a SEO friendly manner to ensure caching into Google & other search engines for better page ranking. The best of all features, the pages are optimized for Load Speed and are “A” grade tested on Wait! this is not all, the template also contains ultimateVisual Composer shortcode resource which gives you freedom to create any new page with high interactive features from scratch.
Stunning Features of Transport – Logistic, Transportation & Warehouse WordPress Theme
- Responsive Website
- Full-Width and Boxed Layout
- Built with Bootstrap 3
- Style variations with unlimited possibilities
- Multiple Color & Font Variations
- 404 Not Found Page
- 8 Home Page Layout
- 2 Blog layout
- 7 Header Layout
- 5 Footer Layout
- Visual Composer Shortcodes
- Shop Pages for Shopping Cart
- Contact Form 7 Compatible
- Gravity Form support
- Newsletter support
- Woocommerce inbuilt
- Bbpress Compatible
- BuddyPress Compatible
- Store Locator with Google Map
- Visual Composer Compatible
- Mailchimp Compatible
- Fixed, Sticky & Intelligent Sticky Header
- WPML Ready
- RTL support
- Translation Ready
- Revolution Slider
- Google Map API
- Google Web Font
- Retina Ready
- Font Awesome
- One Click Install
- Manual Install
- Offline Install
- PHP version >= 5.3 compatible
- WordPress version >= 4.3 compatible
- JS Validation & Working Contact Form
- 100% valid HTML & CSS code
- A+ Grade PageSpeed
Images used: Images not Included in Template. They are For Demo Purpose Only.
- Ethan Marcotte for introducing Responsive Web Design
- BootStrap for developing Best of the time Framework
- Shutterstock for awesome images in preview
- FontAwesome for really awesome icons
- Google Font for beautiful custom font
- ThemPunch for revolution slider
- Imulus for Retina Js
- Steller.Js for parallax
- Slick for carousel
- for great CSS animation & effects
Version 1.0.0 – 10 November 15
- Published on ThemeForest
Awesome Friendly Support
If you have any questions related to this email marketing template, Feel free to email us at [email protected] or via our user page contact form to get further information.