Note: This is a theme for the Ultimate Client Manager CRM. Please ensure the latest version of Ultimate Client Manager (Lite or Pro) has been purchased and installed before using this theme.
AdminLTE CRM Theme Features:
Dashboard Widgets Dashboard widgets show an overview of your UCM CRM |
Theme Customisation Options You can change common layout colors, sizes and |
Access to all UCM featuresThis theme works with all the existing UCM features!
Easy to InstallA very easy installation. No messing around with file uploads or HTML code:
Dedicated Email Support If you have any trouble with this theme or the UCM system please send a message into our dedicated UCM Email Support center and we will reply ASAP. |
Works with both UCM Lite and UCM ProThis theme works with UCM Lite (less features) as well as UCM Pro (more features). Take your pick. |
What are you waiting for!Try out the online AdminLTE CRM demo and feel free to ask any questions. A full list of all UCM features can be found by clicking here. |
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