Ultra Admin (Admin Templates)

Ultra Admin is a premium admin UI theme. Specially designed to give your admin panel a unique and elegant look.It is easy to customize and coded in developer friendly manner.

It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework, HTML and CSS3, jQuery. It is adaptive with any size viewport. Solid integration of reusable UI components and latest trending plugins. This theme can be used for type of project applications.

Ultra Admin includes many plugins implemented in 65+ separate HTML files. It is designed to be a complete admin panel for any web project.

Full Features

  • Built with Bootstrap v3.3.1
  • Latest jQuery v1.11.2
  • Fully Responsive & Interactive
  • Elegant & Clean User Interface
  • Large collection of UI Components
  • Interactive widgets
  • Perfect Scroll Bar
  • Brilliant Chat API
  • Widgets like Todo task, notifications, Progress Tiles, Weather widget, User Profile tile, Counters etc.
  • Expanded and Collapsed Menu (Multi Menu Levels)
  • Page Loader Integration (PACE)
  • Many Reusable UI Components
  • Morris Chart
  • Chartjs
  • Flot Charts
  • Sparkline Charts
  • Easy Pie Chart
  • Rickshaw Charts
  • Pie Knobs
  • Gauge Meter
  • Google maps
  • Vector maps
  • Data Tables
  • Responsive Tables
  • Font Icons(Font Awesome 4.2.0) & Glyphicons
  • Full width & Boxed Layout
  • Fully loaded Mailbox
  • Form UI Groups & Elements
  • Autonumeric
  • Form Input masks elements
  • Form Wizard
  • jQuery Validations (message and icon based)
  • Form Tags input
  • CKEditor
  • Bootstrap WYSIHTML5
  • Markdown Editors
  • Color Picker
  • Date Picker
  • Date Time Picker
  • Time Picker
  • File Dropzone (Drag and Drop Upload)
  • iCheck Checkbox and Radio elements
  • IOS type Switches
  • Multi Select
  • Select 2 – Select replacement library
  • Typeahead library for prefilling
  • UI KIT components
  • jQuery Sortable
  • Draggable Panels
  • Spinner
  • Range Sliders
  • Calendar integration
  • Numeric Counter
  • Image Cropper
  • Isotope Based Filterable Portfolio Gallery
  • jQuery UI and easing integrated
  • jsTree (File and Folder Management tool)
  • Messenger Notifications
  • Tocify
  • Viewport Library for onscreen animations
  • Pricing Tables (2 views – Narrow and Expanded)
  • Timeline (2 types – Centered and left aligned)
  • Login Page
  • User Registration Page (with social media)
  • Invoice
  • Team Members
  • Search Page
  • Blogs
  • FAQ
  • 404, 500 Error Pages
  • User Lockscreen
  • Grid Based System
  • Google font – OpenSans and Oswald
  • Theme Barebone included
  • Well structured and formatted code
  • Commented and Prefixed Based Stylesheet
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Works well in all latest browsers like chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE9+

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