unPress Magazine – Elegant & Minimalistic (News / Editorial)

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unPress is a responsive, minimalist, flexible and modern WordPress theme suitable for magazines, newspapers or blogs.


  • Page Composer: You can create unlimited pages and category templates without any lines of code.
  • Mega Menu You can arrange the Mega Drop Down menu with post and links
  • Responsive Layout: Now know that visitors to your site will have the best experience without any importance of witch device they’re using
  • SEO Optimized: Start with SEO in the right direction. unPress is designed to be appetizing to search eng ines and have a good ranking.
  • Post Formats: Support for WordPress Custom Post Formats is built right into the theme with unique styling and options to handle your content.
  • Translation Ready: Translate into any language you wish using the included .po/.mo files. Everything you need to get started with multi language.
  • Powerful Admin Panel: Customizable without using any line of code. Uploading your logo, changing color and much more at your finger tips.
  • Font Icons: 369 unique , scalable and vector icons comes with the Awesome Fonts. Scalable vector graphics means every icon looks awesome at any size.
  • Fullscreen images galleries: Lightbox supported fullscreen images. Perfect for photo magazine, fashion bloggers, etc…
  • Touch Friendly Lightbox: Lightbox supported for mobile devices. You can scroll images with your fingers.
  • Categories Layouts: With a lot of options you can give unique style to your website pages.
  • Static Pages: Two static page layout with and without sidebar.
  • Post Options: Post customization at your finger tips. Each post can be shown in different ways.
  • Single Post Options: Many options to turn on/off like related posts, author box, etc…
  • Custom Post Type: The theme can display many different types of content like Gallery, Video and Interviews. Like a really modern online magazine.
  • Custom Widgets: The theme comes with a collection of custom widgets that you can use and customize.
  • Clean and Valid Code: Clean code is a must for us. The theme has been developed supporting web-standards and conform to W3C and WordPress guidelines.
  • Unlimited Color: With a color picked will be very easy and quickly to change colors of your website.
  • Google Fonts: The theme comes with 600+ fonts from Google font library and default system fonts.
  • Custom Styles: If you need more customization you can add your own CSS directly form your admin panel.
  • Well Documented: Complete documentation and constantly updated will make your life easier during the customization of your website.
  • Demo XML: Dummy data included in the package so will be easy to start with a solid demo.

Child Theme Support

A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify, or add to the functionality of that parent theme. A child theme is the safest and easiest way to modify an existing theme, whether you want to make a few tiny changes or extensive changes. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.


unPress comes with 12 custom widgets

  1. Most Liked Post: You can diplsy post and custom post types
  2. Most Viewd Post: You can diplsy post and custom post types
  3. About the site: Display info about your magazine, such a logo, text and social profiles.
  4. Featured Posts: Show featured posts list or slider, defined in post edit page
  5. Latest Comments: The most latest comments with comment author tumbnail
  6. Latest Posts: Display latest posts as slider or list.
  7. Latest Interviews: Display latest interviews as slider or list.
  8. Video: Add videos from Vimeo, YouTube, etc.
  9. Image Ad: Display banner images
  10. Code Ad: Display Google Adsense or JS banners
  11. Flickr: Show photos from Flickr.
  12. Twitter feeds: A widget that shows latest tweets from twitter profile

Video Thumbnails – Automatically retrieve video thumbnails for your posts and display them in your theme. Supports YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Vine, Justin.tv, Twitch, Dailymotion, Metacafe, VK, Blip, Google Drive, Funny or Die, CollegeHumor, MPORA, Wistia, Youku, and Rutube.

Force Regenerate Thumbnails – Usefull if your site already have a lot of content and images. Allows you to delete all old images size and regenerate the thumbnails for your image attachments.


  1. Bootstrap v3.1.1 (http://getbootstrap.com)
  2. Ilightbox http://ilightbox.net/
  3. ImgLiquid https://github.com/karacas/imgLiquid
  4. Jquery throttle debounce plugin http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-throttle-debounce-plugin/
  5. CarouFredSel https://github.com/gilbitron/carouFredSel
  6. JQuery Easing v1.3 http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
  7. Iosslider http://iosscripts.com/iosslider/
  8. Isotope http://isotope.metafizzy.co
  9. Javascript Mouse Wheel http://www.adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/
  10. Requestanimationframe http://www.paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
  11. TouchSwipe https://github.com/mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin
  12. Jquery.Transit http://github.com/rstacruz/jquery.transit
  13. Masonry http://masonry.desandro.com
  14. Modernizr http://modernizr.com
  15. ‘Inview’ http://github.com/zuk/jquery.inview
  16. FitVids http://daverupert.com
  17. Mobile sidebar http://dbushell.com
  18. Page Builder: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com
  19. Option Framework: https://github.com/syamilmj/Options-Framework

Extra: PSDs included (10$ value)

The package also include 19 well layerd PSD’s:

  1. unPress Magazine [Homepage – Masorny].psd
  2. unPress Magazine [Homepage – Blocks].psd
  3. unPress Magazine [Homepage – Mosaic].psd
  4. unPress Magazine [Archive – Post – Sidebar].psd
  5. unPress Magazine [Archive – Post – No Sidebar].psd
  6. unPress Magazine [Archive – Post blocks – Sidebar].psd
  7. unPress Magazine [Archive – Post Blocks – No Sidebar].psd
  8. unPress Magazine [Archive – Post Mosaic – Sidebar].psd
  9. unPress Magazine [Archive – Post Mosaic – No Sidebar].psd
  10. unPress Magazine [Archive – Gallery].psd
  11. unPress Magazine [Archive – Video].psd
  12. unPress Magazine [Archive – Inteview].psd
  13. unPress Magazine [Single Post].psd
  14. unPress Magazine [Single Gallery].psd
  15. unPress Magazine [Single video].psd
  16. unPress Magazine [Single Interview].psd
  17. unPress Magazine [Page – Sidebar].psd
  18. unPress Magazine [Page – No Sidebar].psd
  19. unPress Magazine [Contact Page].psd

Fonts used are Prata http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Prata and Helvetica Neue. 
The templates page are designed on 1280 grid system. 
Icons by Awesome Font http://fortawesome.github.com/Font-Awesome/

unPress v1.0 – Released on May 8, 2014

 Initial version 

unPress v1.1 – Released on May 11, 2014

 [NEW] Unlimited sidebars (pages, posts, custom post types) [NEW] Single post sidebar on/off option [NEW] Single gallery custom post type sidebar on/off option [NEW] Single video custom post type sidebar on/off option [NEW] Single post format sidebar on/off option [NEW] Most viewed post widget (post and custom post types) [NEW] Most liked post widget (post and custom post types) [NEW] Post views counter [NEW] Post likes [NEW] System fonts added for theme typography [NEW] Total black skin [UPDATE] Enhance typography options [UPDATE] Improve author page 

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