WPLMS Learning Management System (BuddyPress)

WPLMS is not just a WordPress Theme but a advanced Learning Management System. This theme utilises the maximum potential of WordPress + BuddyPress + BBPress + WooCommerce. It is a powerful theme with lot of flexible and usable features. It comes with custom plugins specifically designed for this theme to work as a powerful Learning management system. Built with HTML5 and CSS3, WPLMS has many unique features.

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WPLMS Features at a glance

Google Microdata

google microdata wplms WPLMS documentation

PayPal Sandox Credentials for Testing : buyer@vibethemes.com | p@ssword

INSTRUCTOR DEMO URL : http://vibethemes.com/demo/wplms/
Instructor Login: instructor | p@ssword

All Custom Plugins in the package come with an Auto Update feature

Theme Features

  • Courses
    • Create and Sell Courses
    • Create and upload custom badges and certificates
    • Free Units for Course Preview
    • Supports Audio/Video and Attachments in Units
    • Course Curriculum and Course Timeline
    • Course Reviews & Ratings
    • Exclusive Course Groups & Forums
    • Front End Functions:
      • Course Manual Evaluation
      • Remove reset Courses for Students
      • Overall Course Stats
      • Students Course Stats
      • Course Result
      • Auto Messages & Notifications
      • Bulk Messaging
      • Live status in Course Timeline
    • Custom Widget : BP Course Widget
      • Displays Courses ordered by # students, # ratings, #reviews, date
      • Displays Courses in Single Items, Course lists and Course Carousels
    • Custom Widget : BP Course Instructor
      • Displays Instructor of the Single Course
      • Displays other courses taken by Instructor
  • Quizes
    • Question Bank
    • Auto Evaluation
    • Quiz Timer
    • Quiz Timeline
    • Quesiton Types : MCQ with Single answer,MCQ with Multiple answer, Small text & Essay Type
    • Detailed Result
    • Auto Messaging & Notifications
    • Front End Functions:
      • Quiz Manual Evaluation
      • Reset Quiz for Student
      • Quiz Auto Submit on timer expire.
      • One Question per frame
      • Live status in Quiz Timeline
  • Statistics
    • Instructor Stats (Front End):
      • Full Course Stats
      • Student Wise Stats
    • Admin Stats:
      • Overview : Total Students, instructors, courses, # students courses graphs
      • Course-wise stats : Each Course with # students, Average marks, # badges, #certificates
      • Instructor-wise stats: Each Instructor with # students, Averge marks, # badges, #certificates
  • Shop
    • Multiple Course in single product
    • Enable/Disable Subscriptions
    • Custom Subscription <straon>duration</straon> for each Product
    • Custom WooCommerce Widgets
      • Price Filter
      • Advanced WooCommerce Carousels
  • Custom Header Login Panel
  • Unique BuddyPress Layout
  • Custom LSM Modules
  • Private Course Groups
  • Private Course Forums
  • BuddyPress Privacy Options
    • Enable/Disable Activity Access to Students, Instructors, Admin or All
    • Enable/Disable Groups Access to Students, Instructors, Admin or All
    • Enable/Disable Group creation to Students, Instructors, Admin
    • Show/hide Single user Profile Activity
    • Show/hide Single user Profile Groups
    • Show/hide Single user Profile Forums
  • Responsive and RetinaReady
  • Compatible with latest WordPress & WooCommerce versions
  • Widgetized Mega Menu
  • 5 Step Checkout Process
  • CSS3 animations
  • Supports WordPress Native Audio & Video shortcodes
  • Premium LayerSlider Plugin Worth $ 15
  • Drag Drop Page Builder
    • Create Unlimited Page Layouts
    • Inbuilt Sliders: Layer Slider, FlexSlider
    • Post Grid Masonry Layout with Pagination & Infinite Scroll
    • Include Sidebars
    • Create Filterable Posts with Pagination
    • Multi column Carousels / Block rotators
    • Four Block styles
    • 1/4,1/2,1/3,3/4,2/3,FullWidth Layout Blocks
    • Fullscreen Stripe Layout Block for Parallax stripe and Fullwidth Sliders
    • Save Page elements & full Layouts & reuse in other pages
    • Apply custom CSS & Classes to every element inside the PageBuilder itself.
    • Import/Export elements & Layouts.
  • Live Theme Customizer
    • Change theme element background/color Live
    • Adjust Font Sizes
    • Change all Font family/styles from 600+ Google fonts
    • Change font colors
    • Import/Export Customizer settings.
  • ShortCode Generator with Live Preview
    • Tabs, Accordion, Toggles
    • Popups, Gallery (Lightbox with sharing)
    • Animated Menu
    • Headings
    • Columns
    • Form Generator with validation
    • Buttons & Icons
    • Audio & Video
    • Team
    • Testimonial
    • Alerts, Tooltips, Notes, Progress Bars
  • Awesome Sliders
    • Premium Layer Slider
    • FlexSlider
  • Advanced Vibe Options Panel
    • Header with Upload Logo/Favicon
    • Unlimited Sidebars
    • BuddyPress Privace Options
    • Select social media icon style out of 6 options
    • Add Social Sharing in Blog Posts
    • Connect Post Layouts,Page Builder, Featured Component with Custom Post Types.
    • Import/Export Settings
  • Post Features
    • Any column Filterable Portfolio Styles with Pagination On/Off
    • Any Column Masonry layout with Infinite Scroll & Pagination
    • Supports HTML5 Audio/Video, Vimeo, Youtube, Blip.tv, Gallery…
  • Template Layouts
    • Three Page Layouts [Left Sidebar | Right Sidebar | Fullwidth].
    • Select Sidebar for the page.
    • Show/Hide Subheader/Titles,breadcrumbs & post author .
  • Form Generator
    • Generate Unlimited forums.
    • Data validation
    • Supports Text, Textarea, Select options.
  • Multifunctional Popups
    • Add any Dynamic Content available on Click or on Page Load.
    • Attach any Form/Slider/Content in popup.
  • Multifunctional Custom Widgets
    • Vibe Advanced Twitter Feed Widget
    • VibeCom Flickr Feed Widget
    • Vibe Instagram Widget
    • Vibe Tabs Widget (Most Popular, Recent, Posts,Portfolio,tags,..)
    • Vibe Carousel show Posts (recent/popular) with large images.
    • Vibe Posts, list posts with thumbnail option widget (Recent/popular)
    • Vibe Testimonials, shows selected testimonial
    • Vibe Gallery, shows responsive gallery.
    • Vibe WooCommerce Carousels, showcase WooCommerce Featured, On Sale, Recent etc. products in carousels.
    • Vibe WooCommerce Advanced Filters, show colors, images as selection links instead of simple lists in WooCommerce Shop Page as product filters.
    • Vibe WooCommerce Advanced Filters selection, show selected filters with classes instead of simple lists.
  • CSS3 Animations
    • 15+ animation effects
    • Effects appear only on load when the element is “visible” on screen
  • One Click Auto Update.
  • WordPress 3.0 Multi level drop-down menu .
  • Translation Ready.
  • Responsive HTML5 Video Player with Flash Fallback
  • Responsive Audio player for hosted audio files.
  • Responsive Gallery.
  • HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design .
  • 600+ Google Web Fonts with Refresh. (Change elements fonts in the theme settings)
  • Retina Ready Gravtars
  • Easily add Google analytics .
  • Unlimited Popups with open on page load function
  • Tabs : Horizontal & Vertical
  • Full Screen background Option .
  • Works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome

Updates & Fixes [ Issue Log]

 ========== UPDATES & FIXES IN  VERSION 1.1 ==========   1. ADDED : Proceed button in Checkout steps. 2. FIXED : Thank you page redirect. 3. FIXED : Mobile compatibility in page builder pages 4. ADDED : Link back to course and groups 5. FIXED : Dashboard-3x Vibe metaboxes: enter your themeforest username. 6. FIXED: Customizer is not working (localhost install)  FEATURES ADDED  1. GOOGLE Microdata : Microdata now appears in Google search results. 2. Free Course : Logged in users can take free course without the checkout process. 


ThemeForest new BuddyPress items





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