Writer – A minimal blog for Ghost (Ghost Themes)

Writer is a content focussed responsive theme for the Ghost blogging platform. Designed with a focus on typography to provide a great experience for the the reader. Purpose built to look great across all platforms and screen sizes. Writer works with ghost to make use of the author and tag archives, working great with a single or multiple authors


Fully Responsive
Designed to cover the wide range of screen sizes available today. Resize the width of your browser window on the live demo to see it in action.

Writer is a great place to start if you are looking for a theme to build onto of.

Simple Install & Detailed Documentation?
Installation takes just a few minutes. Email support is available.

Major Browser Support?
Tested on all major browsers. IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

Compatibility Updates
Writer will be updated regularly to ensure it is compatible with future versions of Ghost. This theme has been built to the latest standard currently version 0.7.


If you have any bug reports, or feature requests, please let us know!


Writer would not be possible without the work from great open source projects. Thank you.

Unslash – Stock Photography
Death to the Stock Photo – Stock Photography
Retina.js – Retina Image Support
Bootstrap – CSS Framework
jPanelMenu – Slide out navigation
Animate.css – CSS Animations
bourbon.io – Sass Mixins
uifaces – User Icon examples

Version Updates


 Writer Ghost released 

ThemeForest new Blogging items


