1-Click Facebook Reposter (Social Networking)

One-click Facebook Reposter is an easy to use WordPress Plugin which enables Facebook Page admins to Repost or Schedule any previous post as a NEW POST on their page with one click.


Username: demo
Password: demo
URL: http://quadcorp.co/p-facebook-reposter/wp-admin/


  • The application complies with all Facebook terms and conditions
  • Developed using Facebook API v2.5 API and SDK package v5.0 (included in the plugin)
  • Supports unlimited Facebook Pages
  • Supports the following post types: Videos, Photos, Statuses and Links
  • Scheduled Facebook Page Posts IDs are stored in database for reference
  • Repost – Repost any previous Facebook Page post as a NEW POST with one click
  • Schedule – Schedule any previous Facebook Page post as a NEW POST . You can remove scheduled posts before they are published
  • Share – Share any previous Facebook Page post with one click
  • Filters – Filter between different post types such as: Videos, Photos, Statuses and Links
  • Settings – button is available for inserting or updating Facebook App ID and Secret values


This plugin requires that you have or create a Facebook App.

User Guide with Screenshots:

Please follow these steps only after you have installed and activated the plugin:

  • Go to your WordPress Admin Panel and click on Fb Reposter tab – See Screenshot
  • Insert your Facebook App ID and Secret and click Save Details button. -Please refer to Other Important Notes about your Facebook App on the right side for Facebook app requirements necessary for this plugin or if you need help creating a Facebook App – See Screenshot
  • After you add your Facebook App details, click Add Profile to connect your first Facebook account (make sure you grant all required Facebook permissions in order for this plugin to work effectively) – See Screenshot
  • After you add your Facebook account, now you should click on the recently added account to see your Facebook Pages and respective page posts – See Screenshot
  • Next you can click on either one of the plugin funcionalities such as: Repost, Schedule or Share – See Screenshot
  • Filter through different post types – See Screenshot
  • Click e.g RepostSee Screenshot
  • Click e.g ScheduleSee Screenshot

You are done! Simply follow the same steps if you need to add another account, or use either one of repost functionalities implemented in this plugin.

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