WP Featured Content and Slider A quick, easy way to add and display what features your company, product or service offers, using our shortcode OR template code.
Many CMS site needs to display Featured Content/Featured services on website. “WP Featured Content and Slider” is a clean and easy-to-use features showcase management system for WordPress. Display Featured Content/Featured services, features your product, company or services offers, and display them via a shortcode OR template code.
- Easy to setup and use.
- 20 cool featured content designs for grid and slider.
- Visual Composer support.
- Shortcode with strong parameters.
- Display featured content on any post and page with shortcode.
- Display featured content in slider or in a carousel with various slider parameters.
- RTL support for slider.
- Display featured content category wise.
- Display featured content in your desired order with easy Drag & Drop functionality.
- Category wise filtering on admin page.
- Font Awesome icon support.
- Custom page link on read more button.
- Custom CSS plugin setting to override plugin css and add your own.
- Display specific post or exclude posts with shortcode.
- Display specific category post or exclude specific category posts with shortcode.
- Dynamic read more button text.
- Fully Responsive.
- 100% Multilingual at both front end and back end.
- Detailed documentation included.
Need help? Please be sure to read the Documentation. If you still can not find the answer do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]
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