Pixel Ad Manager for WordPress (Advertising)

Pixel Ad Manager will turbo charge the revenue your site generates by allowing you to sell Advertising space directly on your website on autopilot using PayPal.

Sell Advertising Space Yourself

With seamless PayPal integration, easy set-up and a dedicated knowledge base, Pixel Ad Manager makes it easy to cut out the middle man and sell advertising space on your website on auto pilot.

Easy to Access Advert, Ad-slot and Ordering Form Stats

We created a dedicated statistics pages so you can see up to date performance information on the fly. To top it off, each advert, order and ad-slot has it own dedicated statistics as well.

PayPal Integrated

Accepting payments is easy with seamless PayPal integration with order status and refunds all from your WordPress dashboard.

Image, Adsense and Script Advert Types

With 3 different advertising types, you can maximise you profits in various ways

Responsive Ready

Dedicated responsive sizing support to each ad slot

Manually Approve & Disapprove Adverts

Manually Approve or Disapprove adverts on a per ad-slot basis.

Create Place holder Adverts

Maximize revenue by showing place holder adverts until you make a sale.

Full-control, In your hands

We didn’t make any assumptions about what you might want to do with your site, we left full-control in your hands while providing a good set of defaults and options.

Sell by CPD, CPM and CPC

Buyers can choose to pay by the day, pay per thousand views or per click, leaving them to decide the best advertising strategy.

I8ln Support

Translate the plugin with ease with full I8ln support. We have even translated the plugin into French and German as standard.

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