WPShotsDojo – Portofolio WordPress Plugin from Dribbble Shots (Social Networking)

WPShotsDojo provides seamless Dribbble Shots integration in your wordpress posts, pages or custom posts.

It uses the Dribbble API to obtain ANY user’s latest shots and beautifully presents them as blocks with customizable grids.

You can have multiple grids in a page, different sizes from different users.

The plugin is responsive, blends in perfectly in any theme’s page, post or even custom post type, full width page or with sidebar.

You have full control of the CSS code.

High Performance

The main problem with Dribbble plugins is the fact that the API itself is very restrictive regarding the number of requests made in certain time intervals.

That’s why we’ve put a lot of thought into keeping the number of requests to the API as low as possible.

The plugin caches the shots locally and does not generate additional requests to Dribbble.

The plugin auto updates the shots hourly.

Several Awesome Grid Styles

We came up with 3 totally different grid sizes and style, using for each of them custom animations, styling, spacing and even different dribbble image sources sizes in order to enhance and optimize the entire user experience.

All this can be managed really simple: you just choose between “small”, “medium”, “large” grid styles, and the plugin does everything for you.

And of course all the grid styles are responsive.

We keep your visitors on your website

After clicking any dribble shot blocks (no matter the selected grid) instead of sending your visitor away from your website, we load all the dribble shot related data in a beautifully crafted lightbox right on your website.

This way you get to showcase your Dribble portfolio shots and keep and engage the visitors on your website.

Retina Ready

All the grids use dribbble shot picture sizes and display them retina-ready.

Back-End Snapshot:

Important note: Dribbble API requires enabled php CURL.

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