5sec Google Maps PRO (Media)

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Based on #1 top selling Google Maps plugin on CodeCanyon

  • visual map builder will help you create maps with multiple pins in seconds
  • fully responsive and mobile friendly
  • 10 predefined map skins + unlimited color overlays
  • directions to and from pin address
  • 15 predefined pin icons + custom ones
  • info layers – traffic, transit, weather, clouds, bicycle
  • fully customizable HTML bubble/description on every pin
  • full-screen support
  • auto language select
  • works in sidebars, posts, pages and custom post types out of the box
  • multiple maps per post/page are supported
  • extensive documentation
  • default shortcode ([map]) can be changed
  • no code editing needed

View online demo


 v1.0 - March 22nd 2014 * initial release 

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