SMS Register (Membership)

SMS Register is WordPress plugin for monetising user registration. If they want to register account on your WP website, visitors needs to send SMS message following displayed instructions, and the will get reply message containing code they need to enter to apropriate field in registration form.

SMS Register use Fortumo SMS gateway for processing of messages and collecting revenues. Only thing you need is free Fortumo account, and (also free) Fortumo Premium SMS service created.

How to start?

  • You will need to register (free) account on Fortumo (instructions).
  • Create Premium SMS service on Fortumo (instructions).
  • Install our plugin on your WordPress website.
  • If needed, submit your Fortumo service for approval, instructions here.
  • Start making money!


  • This plugin will work with some plugins for modifying WP registration page, tested and working with „Register Plus Redux“ plugin.
  • This plugin is not tested with „custom“ login forms (for example: some theme use custom login forms on the front-end).

Where can I get more info on SMS prices, coverage etc.?

You can find that info on Fortumo website. Page with price and coverage info is here.


If you have any questions, contact us here, or here, or even here: Support center.
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