Ultimate Social Meta Pro (SEO)

This Plugin is the Ultimate solution for your Social Meta Data Problem automatically grab social meta data enriched with Google+ Snippets, Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Card.


  • Smartly Grab Data automatically
  • Social Meta Data hierarchy(Explained below)
  • Highly Customizable
  • Quick & easy to install
  • WordPress Image Resizer added
  • Auto change image size
  • Benefits

    The benefits of getting the right metadata into your code are many and they go beyond SEO to social media and brand engagement. As more brands and bloggers see the benefit of adding metadata, its adoption and expansion seems fated to grow. By providing structure to the chaos of the web, metadata helps people find what they want and gives your content the edge in search engines and social sharing, so this plugin just make it easier for you to do this job.

    Plugin Meta Data Hierarchy:

  • Plugin Image

    First Image

  • Post Page
  • Featured Image

    First Image

    Plugin Image

  • Single Page
  • First Image

    Plugin Image

  • Archive Page
  • First Image

    Plugin Image

  • Front Page
  • Plugin Image

    First Image


    Google +

    Facebook Open Graph

    Twitter Summary

    Twitter Summary with Large Image

    Read Documentation

    Check Your Social Metas



    Replaced Timthumb with WP Image Resizer

    CodeCanyon new WordPress items






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