Tag: Buttons
3D Buttons Pack – Visual Composer Extension (Add-ons)
Description 3D buttons is an very effective and useful addition to the VC extensions.It will allow users to add attractive buttons to their sites with 3D effects.User can also use plain buttons with a lot of customizable options. It is purely CSS3 based and contains unlimited icons. Included in the package there is also a…
WooCombinator for variable products – Turn your boring selects into buttons! (Products)
WooCombinator is a plugin for WooCommerce (an eCommerce solution for WordPress). This plugin turns the boring select elements of variable products to buttons. What is a variable product? A variable product is a standard product type in WooCommerce. A variable product has multiple attributes and the customer select one from each attribute. For example a…
Self Hosted Short URLs – Add-on for Easy Social Share Buttons (Add-ons)
Self-Hosted Short URLs add-on for Easy Social Share Buttons generates short addresses by your own server. In this way we avoid all short URL services that requires tones of keys and APIs and works slow with a lot of limitations. Using Self-hosted Short URL your short addresses will be associated with your domain/domains, which has really much advantages…
Advanced Analytics – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)
Note: This is an add-on that works only with Buttons X – Powerful Button Builder For WordPress. Advanced Analytics for Buttons X provides you detailed information on each click made to a button. You get exact click time, Visitor I.P. Address, Button Outgoing/Outbound link, Service Provider, Visitor Country, Visitor State and Visitor Town. Please note that…
Morphing Buttons – Buttons X Add-on (Add-ons)
Note: This is an add-on that works only with Buttons X – Powerful Button Builder For WordPress. Morphing Buttons is a premium add-on for Buttons X. Morph means to change smoothly from one image to another. The idea is to use a button, and morph it into a full screen overlay or modal window when…
Buttons X – Powerful Button Builder for WordPress (Buttons)
Build any kind of button imaginable right from your WordPress Dashboard with Buttons X! Buttons X is a WordPress button builder plugin which comes with free extensions and free button packs. It is packed with functionality that allows countless button variations to be made easily without any coding. Buttons are Fully Responsive and, of course…
WordPress Button Builder (Buttons)
Description Create custom buttons for your site, content, and sidebar! Hundreds of style possibilities! Features Integrated Shortcode Builder Create buttons from either the WordPress editor or using the standalone shortcode builder located under Appearence > Button Builder. Button Importer Need to edit a button? The same editor used to build your button also accepts the…
Taqyeem – Buttons Addon (Add-ons)
Add Amazingly Beautiful Buttons To Your Review Summary. CodeCanyon new WordPress items
vCast Button for WordPress (Buttons)
Versatile Chromecast button that lets you send video from your WordPress powered website to your Chromecast. Configure once and done! Works with many existing players. Scans your WordPress website for video at the specified HTML tag(s). Simple, clean interface to configure source video and display options Adds optimized chromecast functionlity to your WordPress website in…
Reaction Buttons (WordPress)
The Reaction Button allow users to react your content but too lazy to type out an comment Over time when only limited with 2 options original state monotonous: Like and Unlike, now you’ve got more options. Once a user click on a reaction button, that’s means I can hear the complainers or cheer… Ex: OMG…