Tag: Component
Advanced Custom Field – Component Field Addon (Add-ons)
Build it once, use it forever. A simple acf pro add-on that allows you to treat a field group as a component and reuse it in any other field groups. Later on if you want to make changes to that component, you only need to edit once, it’ll apply to every field groups that uses…
Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (SCWCD)
Head First Servlets and JSP: Passing the Sun Certified Web Component Developer Exam (SCWCD) Imagine a world without eBay…unthinkable! How would you get that Farrah Fawcett poster, retired Beanie Baby, or first-edition pet rock? Handling over a gazillion (OK, we exaggerate–it’s actually only 1 billion) page views each day, server-side Java makes eBay work. Isn’t…