Tag: Creating
ProcessPress WP Theme for Creating Procedures (Miscellaneous)
Theme Features Responsive Design Unlimited Theme Colors Mark Procedure Steps as Read Add Comments to Procedure Steps Custom Procedures Widget jQuery Live Filter Search WordPress 3.8 Compatible Theme Embed YouTube or Vimeo Videos (Responsive) Twitter Bootstrap Shortcodes Upload Logo, Favicon Translation Ready Analytics Integration Google Fonts Options Panel Fast Theme Support Changelog Version 1.0.1 (13/01/13)…
Creating the Academic Commons: Guidelines for Learning, Teaching, and Research Reviews
Creating the Academic Commons: Guidelines for Learning, Teaching, and Research Used Book in Good Condition Today’s library is still at the heart of all university activities, helping students and faculty become better learners, teachers, and researchers. In recent years there has emerged the formalizing of one or more of these activities into an Academic Commons.…
Learning Facebook Application Development: A step-by-step tutorial for creating custom Facebook applications using the Facebook platform and PHP
Learning Facebook Application Development: A step-by-step tutorial for creating custom Facebook applications using the Facebook platform and PHP In Detail Using Facebook Applications, developers can add custom features to one of the most popular websites in the world. Facebook is the biggest social network among college students, and is gaining ground among professionals too. Facebook…
Creating Web Pages with HTML, Comprehensive
Creating Web Pages with HTML, Comprehensive With coverage of code updated to reflect HTML 4.01 standards and coverage of XHTML, this title teaches how to create Web page forms, work with Cascading style Sheets, and program with JavaScript. List Price: $ 93.95 Price: $ 3.99 [wprebay kw=”web+design+tutorial” num=”0″ ebcat=”-1″] [wprebay kw=”web+design+tutorial” num=”1″ ebcat=”-1″]
Visual Guide to RapidWeaver 5: A step-by-step screenshot tutorial for all the basic functions used in creating a high quality RapidWeaver 5 website … Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices.
Visual Guide to RapidWeaver 5: A step-by-step screenshot tutorial for all the basic functions used in creating a high quality RapidWeaver 5 website … Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices. A step-by-step screenshot tutorial for all the basic functions used in creating a high quality RapidWeaver 5 website utilizing the latest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)…
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites (Animal Guide)
Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites (Animal Guide) Used Book in Good Condition If you know HTML, this guide will have you building interactive websites quickly. You’ll learn how to create responsive, data-driven websites with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript, regardless of whether you already know how to program. Discover…
Your WordPress Made Simple – An exhaustive guide to creating your very own website
Your WordPress Made Simple – An exhaustive guide to creating your very own website Do you want to learn to build your own website but don’t know where to begin? Have you been searching for accurate WordPress training? If so then this Simple WordPress getting started eBook will make building your WordPress website with very…
WordPress Guide (Step-by-Step Tutorial to Creating a WordPress Blog)
WordPress Guide (Step-by-Step Tutorial to Creating a WordPress Blog) Get your blog online fast! And set it up right. This WordPress tutorial is intended for beginners to blogging. It will walk you step-by-step through exactly what steps to take, from how to choose and reserve your own website name to finding a service to host…
Creating a Website – HTML Basics for Building Your Own Website Part 2
Creating a Website – HTML Basics for Building Your Own Website Part 2 “Creating a Website – HTML Basics for Building Your Own Website Part 2” If you have a website or planning on creating a website in the near future, you owe it to yourself to at least learn some basic HTML. HTML or…
Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites
Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites Used Book in Good Condition If you’re familiar with HTML, using the information in Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS, you will quickly learn how to build interactive, data-driven websites with the powerful combination of PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS – the…