Tag: Customer
WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses (Miscellaneous)
The WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses (WCMCA) will allow your registered customer to associate multiple addresses to their profile! LIVE DEMO http://www.codecanyon.eu/wcmca/wp-admin user: demo pass: demo THE IDEA AND HOW IT WORKS The idea behind the plugin is to have let the customer to easily save multiple addresses to be lately used during the checkout process.…
Easy Customer and Order Import in WooCommerce (Products)
The “Easy Customer and Order import” WooCommerce plugin helps a store admin to easily import WooCommerce customers, orders & coupons in a CSV file format. With its simple import format, this user friendly importer works as an ideal tool when moving other eCommerce platform to WooCommerce and provides a store admin with the ability to…
Easy Customer and Order Export in WooCommerce (WooCommerce)
The “Easy Customer & Order Export” WooCommerce plugin allows a store admin to easily export customer and order information in the form of a CSV file. The CSV export file for orders can be generated on the basis of order status, time intervals, starting & ending date, limiting the maximum number of order records and…
Woo Convert to Customer (Marketing)
Woo Convert to Customers help any shop owner convert more customers by providing automatically discount on products that visitors are interested in. I’m sure it happened to you also to search for a product and the price wasn’t the right one for you. What if a discount popups out of nowhere wouldn’t you buy the…
WooCommerce Customer Order Status Pro (WooCommerce)
Create custom order statuses more professionally for your WordPress WooCommerce store. CodeCanyon new WordPress items
Woocommerce SMS to customer (Gateways)
Send easily SMS to your WooCommerce customers 4 popular API included Woocommerce SMS to customer includes 4 popular SMS Gateway APIs : Nexmo, Twilio, MessageBird and ClickSend. Most of the included SMS gateways offer a free trial, so you will be able to test features before purchasing any balance ! When your trial balance is…
WooCommerce Customer VIP Profile (WooCommerce)
WooCommerce Customer VIP Profile This plugin provides important data for shop managers about their users. It allows you do discover what your customers are buying, their favorite categories, create coupons specially for their needs, and more! Features All the following data are viewed per customer, in a customer profile. View Customer’s most bought products, per…
Shop as Customer for WooCommerce (WooCommerce)
What it Does Shop as Customer allows a store Administrator or Shop Manager to shop the front-end of the store as another User, allowing all functionality such as plugins that only work on the product or cart pages and not the Admin Order page, to function normally as if they were that Customer. Once installed,…