Tag: Dashboard
beAdmin – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template (Admin Templates)
Material Admin is a Google Material Design inspired powerful-lightweight fully responsive retina display compatible admin template based on latest Bootstrap 3. Material Admin comes with both jQuery and AngularJs versions with Light/Dark skins Unless like other admin templates, all the plugin used in Material Admin are completely customized to match the Material Design Features Comes…
WP Frontend – WordPress Frontend Dashboard and User Profile Plugin (Membership)
This plugin gives the user the ability to create new posts, edit their profile all from the website frontend, so the user does not need to enter the backend admin panel to do these things. Features Unlimited Forms Custom Post Type Support Custom Taxonomy Custom Fields Guest Posting Support Custom Redirection Image insertion in post…
Marino – Bootstrap 4 Dashboard UI Kit (Admin Templates)
Marino is a responsive premium dashboard UI kit built on top of Bootstrap 4, with jQuery and AngularJS versions. It includes 9 different layouts, 9 color schemes, more than 150 HTML files and lots of widgets and custom made reusable components to help you develop your next application. FEATURES Built with Bootstrap 4 Comes in…
PRO Theme – Professional WP Admin Dashboard Theme (Miscellaneous)
Often when doing client work we get the need to provide our clients with a custom experience in the admin dashboard of the WordPress, a more professional look and feel. PRO Theme is an attempt to give a good option for those professionals. Check the demo and the screenshots! Features: Completely redesign of the admin…
AdminPlus Premium – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard (Admin Templates)
AdminPlus Premium bootstrap 4 admin template with multiple modern themes. It includes admin dashboard designs, custom pages and components, integration samples with 3rd party plugins, 6 months of included support (with extras available) and much more. AdminPlus Lite Edition Getting started with Bootstrap 4 When starting a new project, it’s often more practical to have…
Adminto – Responsive Admin Dashboard (Admin Templates)
Adminto is a bootstrap based premium admin template. It has super clean user interface, customizable components and widgets and three different color schemes. It is fully responsive and easy to customize. The code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this theme into real web application. FEATURES: Fully Responsive…
StartUI – Premium Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template (Admin Templates)
StartUI – a full featured, premium web application admin dashboard built with Twitter Bootstrap 4, JQuery and CSS (Less). It comes with a lot of ready to use components ideal for building you web application, CMS, CRM, admin panel, eCommerce dashboard, or any other type of application backend. StartUI coded highly responsive for your mobile…
UserPro Dashboard (Add-ons)
Note: This is an addon. You must have UserPro to use it. Userpro Dashboard addon offers an easy control over the information of your profile. Compared to the classic view of edit profile page, the dashboard enables a quick and single page view to all the details of your profile including your media files (coming…
Electric – Admin Panel Dashboard Angular JS Template (Admin Templates)
Exhibiting a cool and engaging layout, Electric Admin is an extraordinarily complete Angular JS template for an easier and more comprehensive backend & frontend management of a single or multiple projects. Its all-purpose framework is replete with active and energetic features, including 4+ dashboard styles, 60+ fully developed pages, 20+ functional widgets, and complete and…
AdminPlus – Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard (Admin Templates)
AdminPlus is a lightweight admin dashboard with a clean front-end design and a modern user interface. It includes samples of dashboard and essential UI components giving a good base for any application as well as custom pages such as email, reports, user profile, timeline plus many more. Features Very lightweight – The entire download package,…