Tag: Data

  • Almond Stock Market Data (WordPress)

    Display stock market data like tickers, prices and trading volume of your favorite companies in your website using a WordPress widget. Clean, elegant and simple. CodeCanyon new WordPress items

  • Data Browser (Miscellaneous)

    Data Browser – current version 1.0.2 available for download! Advanced Analyzer for Site Data DataBrowser is a premium multi-purpose system for creating charts , and analyzing/browsing data, based on the real existing data on your site. This is a system to create interactive charts and tables automatically This is a system to anaylse and find…

  • WordPress Data Importer (Utilities)

    WordPress Data Import and Automated Post Creation plugin exclusive to CodeCanyon. Manual or automated data management and post creation. All standard WP options available, unlimited custom fields for applying post meta, category creation and more. CodeCanyon new WordPress items

  • Web Data Extractor with jQuery & JSON

    Extracting and parsing structured data with jQuery Selector, XPath or JsonPath from common web format like HTML, XML and JSON. Read More Demo Download The post Web Data Extractor with jQuery & JSON appeared first on Webostock Marketplace. Webostock Marketplace

  • DYNAMO – WordPress Data Generation Utility (Utilities)

    Dynamo is a powerful and accurate content generation utility for WordPress blogs. You can turn your Excel, CSV, or XML data sources into WordPress database instantly. High speed, multi-threaded, and accurate data generation – directly saves data to WordPress WXR file. A must have tool for developers and freelancers to build WordPress database in no-time.…

  • Export WordPress Data to EXCEL or CSV file (Utilities)

    This plugin will help you to export (download) WordPress data to Excel or CSV file. User friendly interface allows to do export with the least effort. This plugin can export all data Using WordPress Users, Usermeta, Posts, Pages and Comments The main features of this export plugin are: Quick installation and setup. You can backup…

  • WordPress Meta Data Filter (WP e-Commerce)

    The main purpose of the plugin – indexing site pages by metafields values and as result create convenient and logical search of information or products with the plugin search widget. Plugin works with posts and with the custom types. Also you can use the plugin with woocommerce to create smart product filters. CodeCanyon new WordPress…

  • WordPress Database data Administrator (Utilities)

    WPDB dt Admin allows you to administrate the data in your WordPress database. You can consult, edit, insert and delete the data saved in your WordPress database tables in an easy way and make customized searches on it with the capacity of export it in CSV and Excel (XLSX) formats for use it later or…

  • Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight Reviews

    Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight Data Science gets thrown around in the press like it’s magic. Major retailers are predicting everything from when their customers are pregnant to when they want a new pair of Chuck Taylors. It’s a brave new world where seemingly meaningless data can be transformed into…