Tag: Facebook
Facebook Events Calendar For WordPress (Calendars)
Description Now, there are more and more people who use facebook for their business. One of information they want to inform facebook fan is event. Facebook Events Calendar For WordPress will display all events from your facebook page on calendar. There are 2 layout for your choice : full layout and compact layout. This plugin…
Facebook Analytics for WordPress (Add-ons)
Facebook Analytics is a Get Facebook Likes addon allows you track your visitors likes, comments on your website per day. It sends data to Google Analytics using Analytics API so you can view and get report easily in Google Analytics. Different between Facebook Analytics and Page Insight Facebook Analytics works with your website and track…
Facebook TNT – Trending Now Traffic (Marketing)
Facebook TNT Facebook Trending Now Traffic is a simple to install wordpress plugin that allows you to drive traffic like the big boys (google, yahoo, bing) around your site and more importantly off your facebook page and onto your website. Trending Now Traffic Facebook TNT uses the power of trending information via rss/xml feeds to…
Facebook Photos – Albums Importer (WordPress)
Facebook Photos – Albums Importer is a easy to use WordPress Plugin used for importing photos or albums from your Facebook Profiles (unlimited) or Pages (unlimited) straight to your WordPress Media Gallery instantly. Demo: Username: demo Password: demo URL: http://quadcorp.co/p-facebook-photo-importer/wp-admin/ Features: The application complies with all Facebook terms and conditions Developed using Facebook API v2.5…