Tag: Feedback

  • Feedbackr – Really Simple Feedback Popup (Forms)

    Feedbackr is a WordPress plugin which puts a Feedback button on your website. Once the user clicks the feedback button, a ‘modal’ popup appears on the screen. The visitor then answers the questions you have pre-set in the plugin and you can view the results in your WordPress admin panel. Each submission gets a percentage…

  • Reading Percentage – Progression and User Feedback (WordPress)

    Progression + User Feedback Display reading progression on your article and gather user feedback when reading is completed. Voting system When read is completed, user is asked to give his opinion about what he read with a “thumbs up” or a “thumbs down”. Engage Once the reader gave his feedback, Reading Percentage offers him a…

  • Visual Feedback – Real visual feedback (Forms)

    WordPress Visual Feedback A new way to receive feedback. WordPress Visual Feedback enables users to select specific elements on the website and send these to your WordPress administration. The visual feedback will show it as it is on the user screen and includes browser information. All items are available in the WordPress administration for easy…

  • Feedback Survey WordPress Plugin (Forms)

    Create engaging, responsive surveys in minutes and view your results graphically Full Features List Survey Questions Types Positive/Negative Single Choice Multiple Choice Rating Email Text Comment Confirmation Generate Sample Survey Questions Prepend Survey to Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types Add Survey Using a Shortcode Generator Custom Background Image or Color Se Image Background Overlay Content…

  • CSS3 Subtle Click Feedback Effects

    Today we’d like to explore some of these click/touch effects, using different animations. While there are many kinds of animations that can be done to provide feedback, we’re particularly interested in the subtle “tap-like” effects. A set of subtle effects for click or touch interactions inspired by the visualization of screen taps in mobile app…