Tag: LayersWP
WPRAAS Preloader – An Essential LayersWP Extension (WordPress)
Features: Overlay Set Overlay Color Set Opacity Overlay Animation start (75+ animations) Overlay animation finish (75+ animations) Progress bar enable/disable Progress bar set progress bar color set progress bar width set vertical distance from top set height of progress bar set border radius Percentage Enable disable percentage Google fonts Font size Custom Animated Image Predefined images Upload custom animated…
Advanced Grid Style for LayersWP (Add-ons)
Advanced Grid Style Advanced Grid Style is a LayersWP extension for you to create post grid with various effect styles. With Advanced Grid Style, you can choose any post types or page you want to display, filter the data source and customize the effect colors in Customizer. No Need to rebuild your contents! Total plugin…
Hostme – LayersWP Multipurpose Child Theme (Miscellaneous)
Layers Hostme Theme is clean and minimal responsive design built with LayersWP Site Builder which is easy to use with drag and drop option. We have implemented many shortcodes and widgets in the layerswp framework which makes your project easier and better than before and can be used for multipurpose websites such as hosting, business,…
XL – Multipurpose LayersWP Child Theme (Miscellaneous)
XL – Multipurpose LayersWP Child Theme For Every Industry XL – is a Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme. This is a child theme of LayersWP. XL multipurpose is a fully mobile responsive WordPress Theme. LayersWP has unique page builder and can be a base for any kind of project. Easy color and image selection with many…
WooLayers – WooCommerce page builder for LayersWP (Add-ons)
WooLayers WooLayers is a WooCommerce page builder extension for LayersWP. This plugin enables you to build your own WooCommerce pages such as product archive page, product categories page, and single product page. Demo Demo URL http://demo.themestry.co/woolayers/ Watch the Demo tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bADQbshw18E Features: Custom shop and product category page. Custom single product page. Custom sidebar builder.…
DOSA – LayersWP Multipurpose Child Theme (Miscellaneous)
Layers DOSA Child Theme is clean and minimal responsive design built with LayersWP Site Builder which is easy to use with drag and drop option. We have implemented many shortcodes and widgets in the layerswp framework which makes your project easier and better than before and can be used for multipurpose websites such as hosting,…