Tag: Media
ImageLinks – Interactive Image Builder for WordPress (Media)
It’s a WordPress edition of the jQuery Plugin – ImageLinks Interactive Image. With this plugin you are able to easily make an interactive image for your site that empowers publishers and bloggers to create more engaging content by adding rich media links to photos. Use this plugin to create interactive news photography, infographics, and shoppable…
Image Hover Caption FX – 216 Hover Effects (Media)
CodeCanyon new WordPress items
WordPress SoundCloud Player (Media)
WordPress SoundCloud Player is a plugin that will create a shortcode which you can use to add, in no-time, a custom soundcloud player in any page. The only thing you need to do is to copy-paste the SoundCloud URL. The plugin works with single tracks, playlists and profile links. The cover image, track title, artist…
Pasteboard for WordPress (Media)
This plugin allows you paste images directly to WordPress editor. Even more, you can crop images, draw line on it easily and quickly! Copy images from anywhere; Youtube, Web, Photoshop, from your desktop. Features You don’t need to upload images WordPress anymore. Crop image before save it on your host. Draw lines on image easily.…
dFlip – 3D & 2D Flipbook WordPress Plugin (Media)
DFlip is a high quality, realistic flipbook plugin for WordPress with smooth effects to stun your viewers. It has PDF support inbuilt and you can have easy PDF integration without any extra extension. It’s very responsive and device friendly. You will have almost all features you’ll lookout for: like hot-spots, PDF annotations, outline, custom outline,…
External Media Upload (Media)
External Media Upload will grab media/files from external url link to your server and add them to WordPress media library. With External Media Upload, you don’t need many time for save external file to your computer and re-upload. External Media Upload can grab popular file extension as image, audio, videos, pdf, office documents, zip, Executable,…