Tag: Role
WooCommerce Role Based Product Hiding (Products)
Intro An extension for WooCommerce, which allows you to hide products by user roles. With this plugin, you can hide multiple products at once per role, by simply selecting selecting a user role based on per product / product category. Features Supports Simple,Variable, Variation, Grouped, External/Affiliate WooCommerce Product Type Hide Products By Category Hide Selected…
WooCommerce Role Upgrade (WooCommerce)
WooCommerce Role Upgrade An extension for WooCommerce, which enables you to create rules, which if met by the user, will upgrade there WordPress role to whichever role is set in the rule. Features Quick and easy installation Easily upgrade user Roles based on amount spent or total orders Documentation http://www.codeden.co.uk/documentation/woocommerce-role-upgrade/ Support http://support.codeden.co.uk Changelog v1.0 -…
WooCommerce Hide Products By Role (WooCommerce)
WooCommerce Hide Products By Role An extension for WooCommerce, which enables you to hide products by specific user roles. With this very easy to navigate plugin, you can hide multiple products at once per role, by simply selecting a checkbox. A simple screen will show all all of your products on one page, with a…
WordPress User Role Manager (WordPress)
WordPress User Role Manager A plugin which allows you to easily create and manage WordPress user roles. With this very easy to navigate plugin, you can add new user roles to your WordPress website with the click of a button. Use the simple role manager to enter a name for a new role, and click…
WooCommerce Role by Amount Spent (Miscellaneous)
The WooCommerce Role by Amount Spent plugin (WCRA) is a powerful tool that allows the shop admin to create “assignment rules” that dinamically assign role(s) to the customer according to the amount spent and the current period. This tool can be very useful because can be use togheter with the WooCommerce Pricing! (or any 3rd…
WooCommerce Role Based Force Sell (Products)
The Role Based Force Sells extension allows you to link products together based on the user role, so they are added to the cart together. This is useful for linking a service or required product to another. For example, if you are selling iPad glass repair as a service, you can link a new glass…
WooCommerce Role Based Pricing Pro (WooCommerce)
Overview This plugin extends the popular eCommerce Plugin WooCommerce so that products can be offered at different prices for different customer groups. For example, Subscribers or Contributors get different prices than new customers. Differentiate your registered users to get your shop more attractive. New roles can be created and managed. Plugin Demo Video Features :…
Restrict KB Access by User Role Addon (Add-ons)
Finding a way to manage and restrict knowledge base contents for spacial type of users for your site? Restrict KB Access by User Role – Knowledge Base Addon provide that easy and awesome option to secure your knowledge base contents from global access. Addon gives you the premium and flexible type of settings. So that,…
Cliro – Custom Admin Role for Client (Utilities)
Cliro is a WordPress plugin allow create a new role call Admin. This role have powerful options can custom backend area for your client. CodeCanyon new WordPress items
Woocommerce Role Purchasable (WooCommerce)
Make your Woocommerce products purchasable according to the user’s role. Now you have available the ‘guest’ pseudo-role, so your product could be purchasable only for registered users. CodeCanyon new WordPress items