Tag: Taxonomy

  • Taxonomy Checkbox Filter (WordPress)

    Quickly create taxonomies filters for custom post types templates! It’s simple to use and doesn’t require advanced programming knowledge. Translations : English and Portuguese Brazil Quick Setup ! In less than 30 seconds you already have efficient filters in your theme. Clean code for you to make CSS customization quickly. Quick Setup in a beautiful…

  • Taxonomy Sidebars (Utilities)

    About the Extension Taxonomy Sidebars is a plugin for WordPress that extends its functionality by allowing to add custom sidebars and widgets on different WordPress taxonomy pages. This versatile extension works with any WordPress plugin that creates custom taxonomies! The plugin is absolutely useful when you want to add widgets to certain WordPress taxonomies only.…

  • WooCommerce Custom Taxonomy Reports (WooCommerce)

    The plugin will provide charts for products and orders using custom taxonomies. Just like the Sales by Product Category report, you can now have the sales by product tags, any custom product attribute, any custom products taxonomies, and any custom orders taxonomies as well (like custom order statuses ..etc.). Features Add custom taxonomy reports by…

  • Taxonomy and Meta Search WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Taxonomy and Meta Search WordPress Plugin was created to allow you to create custom search forms for every custom post types you are using. While developing this plugin we have tested it with WooCommerce and wp-property (2 of the most popular custom post type plugins available). if you want to see this plugin in action…